Thursday, August 27, 2020
Guy Fawkes Essay Example For Students
Fellow Fawkes Essay Fellow FawkesFawkes Guy, was one of the best conspiratorin the Gunpowder Plot. Fawkes, articulated fawks Guy, English conspirator,born in York. A protestant by birth, he turned into a Roman Catholic after themarriage of his bereaved mother to a man of Catholic foundation and sympathies(Miller578). In 1593 he enrolled in the Spanish Army in Flanders and in 1596 participatedin the catch of the city of Calais by the Spanish in their war with HenryIV of France. He got ensnared with Thomas Winter and others in theGunpowder Plot to explode Parliament as dissent against the counter RomanCatholic laws. This paper will exhibit the life ofGuy Fawkes. Fellow Fawkes was conceived on thirteenth April, 1570. Fellow Fawkes was theonly child of Edward Fawkes of York and his better half Edith Blake of Cambridge. Followed by Guy Fawkes birth, Edith had brought forth little girl Anne Fawkeson third October 1568, however the baby carried on a negligible seven weeks, being buriedon fourteenth November of that year. Two different sisters were conceived followedby Anne, another Anne, who later wedded Henry Kilburns in Scotton on 12thOctober1572, and Elizabeth, who later wedded William Dickenson additionally inScotton on 27th May 1594. Edward Fawkes who was promoter of the consistorycourt of the Archbishop of York. On his moms side, he was descendedfrom the Harrington family who were prominent traders and Alderman of York. In 1605, Guy Fawkes(also known as Guido),and a gathering of schemers endeavored to explode the Houses of Parliamentto murder the King, James I and the whole Parliament. The backstabbers wereangered in light of the fact that King James had been ousting Jesuits from England. The plotterswanted to wrest power away from the ruler and return the nation to theCatholic confidence. Today, they would be known as fanatics. Notwithstanding, in anattempt to secure a companion in the House of Lords, one of the gathering memberssent a mysterious letter cautioning his companion to avoid the parliament. The admonition letter arrived at the ruler, andthe backstabbers were gotten, tormented and executed. Fellow Fawkes and hisfriends had folded 36 barrels of black powder into the basement and coveredthem with faggots under the House of parliament(Encyclopedia Americana91). Nowadays Guy Fawkes Day is otherwise called Bonfire Night. The eventis recognized each year with firecrackers and consuming a model of GuyFawkes on a campfire. The likenesses are just known as Guys. Some of theEnglish have been known to ponder whether they are observing Fawkesexecution or respecting his endeavor to get rid of the administration. Therewas no uncertainty an endeavor to explode parliament. In any case, Guy Fawkes and his associatesmay have been trapped in a Jacobean sting activity. A considerable lot of the plotters were known deceivers. It would have been practically incomprehensible for them to get hold of 36 barrelsof explosive without the administration discovering. Concerning the mystery warningletter, numerous students of history trust it was manufactured by the rulers authorities. The letter made it simple to clarify how the ruler got some answers concerning the plotand halted it in the nick of time. In any case, the letter was in actuality ambiguous. Itsaid taking note of about the subtleties of the assault. There are numerous puzzles aboutthe explosive plot that have never been acceptably explained(Ashley621). In any case, the lord and his men knew precisely where and when to catchthe backstabbers and stop the plot. Explosive plot, trick to slaughter JamesI, ruler of England, just as the Lords and the Commons at the openingof parliament on November 5, 1605(Ashley 620). The plot was framed by agroup of noticeable Roman Catholics in reprisal against the oppressiveanti-Catholic laws being applied by James I. The originator of the schemewas Robert Catesby, a nation man of his word of Warwickshire. First he tookhis cousin Thomas Winter and his companions Thomas Percy and John Wright intohis certainty, alongside Guy Fawkes, a warrior of fortune. They in turndrew other Roman Catholic men of honor into the plot, among them Sir EverardDigby, John Grant, Ambrose Rokewood, Francis Tresham, Thomas Winters brotherRobert, and John Wrights sibling Christopher( 1). The conspiratorsdiscovered a vault legitimately underneath the House of Lords. They leased thiscellar and put away in it 36 barrels of black powder. .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 , .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 .postImageUrl , .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 , .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71:hover , .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71:visited , .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71:active { border:0!important; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71:active , .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71:hover { haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enhancement: underline; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a6 93ed1c05b71 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u59e8489551c1ad95383a693ed1c05b71:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Life After People Sample EssayIn the last course of action, Fawkes was toset shoot to the explosive in the basement on November 5 and afterward escape toFlanders(Encarta 2000). Through a letter of caution composed by Treshamto a friend, the plot was uncovered. Fawkes was captured at an early stage November5 as she rose up out of the basement. Circuits were discovered covered on his person,and in the basement a lit lamp and the barrels of black powder were found. Analyzed under torment on the rack, Fawkes admitted his own blame andafter ling unyieldingness uncovered the names of his partners, almost all ofwhom were murdered on being taken or were hanged alongside Fawkes on January31, 1606. The Gunpowder Plot is remembered every year in the United Kingdomon November 5; on this day it is the custom to consume Guy Fawkes in a raggedeffigy. The slang work fellow is gotten from these models. In 1593 Guy Fawkes enrolled in the Spanisharmy of the Netherlands and got noted for his remarkable courage(Encarta2000). In 1604 he was picked by Robert Catesby and the other Catholic conspiratorsin the Gunpowder Plot to execute their arrangement to explode Parliament whenit gathered to hear James I on Nov. 5, 1605. The day preceding the gunpowderwas to be exploded, the plot was found. Fawkes was taken into custodyand later executed in 1606(World Book 99). November 5 was made a day of thanksgiving,and it is as yet celebrated in England as Guy Fawkes Day. Consistently since1605, each town and town in Great Britain lights blazes, lets offfireworks, consumes and likeness of him and commends the reality the Parliamentand James I were not passed up Guy Fawkes(Miller 579).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mentoring and Enabling Learning in the Practice Setting Essay
Tutoring and Enabling Learning in the Practice Setting - Essay Example Each calling including social insurance can be wide and immense and with the end goal for one to comprehend and pick up understanding, they need more than what is found out in the class. In rehearsing social insurance, there is have to have a tutor who will manage the prospecting professional with tremendous experience. NMC characterizes a coach as a person who is enrolled and has finished the NMC affirmed tutor planning program and has gained the aptitudes, information and skill expected to meet the characterized results. As a coach, an individual has a key task to carry out in guaranteeing that they control new and potential specialists as they experience change. Their jobs incorporate; Mentorship in nursing is critical considering the calling manages lives. This calls for elevated expectations and severity in doing the obligations. Consequently, there is have to have legitimate preparing, and direction for new professionals. This is the thing that has required the requirement for a tutor. Mentorship program guarantee that new experts and understudies gain the genuinely necessary direction and preparing in a genuine circumstance other than hypothesis as it is done in schools. As indicated by Bosher and Pharris (2009) mentorship in nursing assumes a key job in developing vocations just as builds up the social part of the person. The Nursing and Midwifery Council the NMC official controller of medical attendants and the primary motivation behind the gathering are to ensure the general population. This is finished by keeping a register of all rehearsing medical attendants and by creating and setting measures that will control their instruction, preparing, execution, direct and morals. The board thought of gauges that will help and bolster learning and evaluation by and by in the medicinal services. The measures have been set in type of improvement systems and are placed in 4 phases. These incorporate, Registrants, Mentors, practice educators and instructors. Notwithstanding these four,
A Contemplative Essay What Is Reality Essays - Ontology
A Contemplative Essay: What Is Reality? I accept we each see things in an unexpected way, and the blend of every one of our discernments makes how we see the world, makes our existence. Im not going to profess to recognize what the truth is, yet I realize what I think it is, and what I figure it ought to be. Reality ought to be what all of us needs it to be. There ought to be no copy real factors, much the same as there are no two snowflakes the equivalent. What my existence is ought to never be equivalent to what your world is. For every individual has unique, but extraordinary, convictions. Also, these convictions ought to be what, throughout the years, shape our existence to what it is. Not what another person says is going on, not what every other person is doing, yet what our heart says is genuine. It ought not have any kind of effect in my existence that some person is running down the road exposed. For that one man running down the road will always be unable to do anything bravo, or terrible against me. Regardless of whether a vehicle hits that man my life ought not change in any case. What is in my heart is there, has consistently been there, and will consis tently be there to hold my world undaunted. Presently I realize we have all heard this in guidance about the other gender again and again, yet for all of us to live our actual reality we must be what our identity is and act such as ourselves each moment of ordinary. For to all of us we are what is genuine and every other person around us is phony. For us not to accomplish something that we need or for us not to state something that we need to state is detracting from our world. Each time we detract from our existence we remove a portion of our exceptional little commitment to this world away. Every last one of us anticipates that individuals should be genuine to them so for what reason should we lie to other people and not be genuine to them and ourselves. I see reality in this light since; I think that its difficult to accept that I have a similar reality as the sequential executioner down the road. At the point when he goes on TV and says he executed those individuals since everybody was out to get him, that is his world. His brain may have to some degree changed the discernments that his world depends on, yet it depended on those recognitions in any case. Im sure the little old woman that he has covered under his rose nursery was simply staying out of other people's affairs, perhaps getting his garbage for him. In his existence, she was most likely searching for soil on him. In my world, then again, I may express gratitude toward her and cut her grass. Additionally, as I would see it, our world changes as we develop. At the point when we are first brought into the world the trees and mists outside are not part of our existence, since we havent even observed them yet. Also, when Aunt Pete and Uncle Bob previously drop by, they will simply be two cherishing family members. The idea of the relationship won't considerably matter until information regarding the matter edges into the brain. The progress from sixth to seventh grade was especially pernicious to my world. I wasnt the large person in the school any longer. There were more established individuals acting like I was the point at which I was the King of the Hill, in a manner of speaking. At the point when I got to my senior year it (my existence) took another course. Out of nowhere, my classes werent so natural any longer, and I wasnt ready to float through them like previously. Educators were setting up my individual schoolmates and I for school, and they began reviewing somewhat harder, as school teachers would. My point being, the truth isn't something to be set facing a norm. It is thoroughly dynamic from each other reality around it. Life as we probably am aware it is only our particular real factors coinciding together. Reasoning
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why women should not be able to work in Law enforcement Essay
Why ladies ought not have the option to work in Law requirement - Essay Example There are numerous schools and colleges in joined express that are advancing the investigations of law requirement and related certificates and degrees by showing it as the best future activity as law authorization and country security. Because of such crusade, numerous individuals are drawing in toward this calling including ladies as well. The vocation of ladies in law requirement is conceivable. It is the need of great importance to enlist more ladies as the law authorities. The crime percentage of ladies is ascending high consistently and medications related issues have become the sole issue for the ladies to see the jail. Because of the medication law infringement, government detainment facilities have over 72% ladies detainees and in state jails, 31% of ladies are blameworthy of the wrongdoing. I in research of acquittal worldwide USA, they have referenced those in government womenââ¬â¢s relationship offices, 70% of watchmen are male for serving female. Every one of these in sights demonstrated that there is a significant need of female up-and-comers in the law authorization office. Any individual who is intrigued must have a thought regarding the foundation of the law authorization assignments and must have mental fortitude to confront the individuals who donââ¬â¢t think about ladies as equivalent colleagues. Since antiquated occasions, a few societies and various convictions have formed the general public and decided the jobs and obligations of ladies as various as men. When all is said in done manner, ladies are considered as feeble sexual orientation and in this way, their employments are just connected with family, youngsters and home. On the complexity, men are considered as solid sexual orientation and allocated the incredible positions in home as well as at the work environment. With time, when ladies earned the equivalent rights, a few open doors showed up for ladies in various areas of the general public. One such case of the ladies opportu nity place is governmental policy regarding minorities in society. With this, the ceaseless contest of male and female position started. In this world, each individual has its own idea and perspective in regards to male and female specialists. Numerous individuals accept that ladies are not suitable for occupations they select to work for. They feel that ladies are unequipped for playing out a few undertakings including the law implementation occupations. There are barely any individuals who are against the ladies working for the country security and they think about home as their work environment. In addition, there are other people who state ladies and law authorization are two separate elements. Since 150 years back, the moving of ladies towards the law implementation occurred. From that period, ladies are not liberated from the obstructions like segregation in employments, lewd behavior, wrong treatment, low compensation and twofold norms towards them. The activity of law implem entation is referred to be as the male overwhelmed division. Along these lines, this segment has demonstrated exceptionally moderate pace in snatching the ladies to the posts. The law requirement task is male ruled because of the explanation that this activity needs force and quality that makes the ladies wrong for the activity since they need both. Ladies are referred to be as truly and intellectually unfit to deal with the activity. A similar idea is particularly in the todayââ¬â¢s universe of law authorization offices and organizations. During the time of 1972, the Supreme Court passed the enactment perceived as Civil Rights Act, Title VII and as indicated by this; all the offices will be subject for claim if there should be an occurrence of any oppression the ladies qualified for the post (Stephens 500). With the assistance of a few claims and court orders in regards to the issue, the organizations had to employ the ladies who are equipped for the activity. In any case, there were numerous offices of law requirement that didnââ¬â¢t comply with the principles and found a way to maintain a strategic distance from the certified ladies to get the post. The act of the Supreme Court was stopped in 1977. In
Living With Bad Credit is One Thing, But Can You Make It in Life With NO Credit
Living With Bad Credit is One Thing, But Can You Make It in Life With NO Credit Living With Bad Credit is One Thing, But Can You Make It in Life With NO Credit? Living With Bad Credit is One Thing, But Can You Make It in Life With NO Credit?If you want to live your life without ever using creditâ"which means no loans and no credit cardsâ"get ready to do a lot more transactions in straight cash.We often write about bad credit. How you get it, how to manage it, and how to get rid of it. But what if you donât have any credit at all? Humans arenât born with credit scores and it is totally possible to get well into adulthood without one.But can you have a successful life without a credit score in this day and age? And if so, how? With the help of our experts, those are the questions weâre going to answer for you today! Letâs get the basics out of the way.As we always like to do when we talk about credit, letâs cover what exactly a credit score is and how you might end up without one. A credit score is a three-digit number that determines how likely you are to be granted a loan and with what terms.That number is generated from informat ion in credit reports maintained by the three major credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Factors in your score include payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, credit mix, and recent credit inquiries.But what if you never use credit? If youâve never taken out a personal loan or used a credit card? Well, then you might not have a credit score at all. And where exactly does that leave you? Can you just go through life without borrowing any money whatsoever?Living well without credit is certainly possible.Weâll be straightforward here: Many things in life are much easier when you have a good credit score. But lacking a credit score doesnât mean youâll be forced to go live in the woods. You can theoretically live your life without having any credit to your name. In fact, we heard from someone who did just that!âUp until two years ago, I had zero credit,â recalled Mikhail Shvartsman, in-house counsel for USB Memory Direct (@usbmemorydirect). âI never opened a credit card, I bought pre-owned cars outright, and bought my house on foreclosure. You cant possibly live without credit unless you buy your own assets.âBut as Shvartsman implied, youâre going to have to live your life in a very specific way if youâre hoping to get by without credit. He eventually found himself in a situation requiring a change of gears:âAfter finishing law school, I had $200,000 in student loan debt. So why did this change my need for credit? I had to lease out my apartment and find a place closer to work. Credit helps you manage when you pay for things. You still have to pay all of your debts, but this way you can do it over time.If you plan properly, and have a large enough salary, you can do this without the assistance of loans and credit cards. Regardless of my effort to do this, when it came time to rent an apartment closer to work, I knew I had to work on my credit.âWith just a $200,000 debt posted for my student loans, it took me tw o years to create a credit history enough to score me over 600. For you to survive without credit, you have to manage your own finances by saving at least 10 percent of your income each year. However, if you are not making enough to make ends meet, that is not likely.The most important part is making sure 10 percent of your salary is enough to cover unforeseen costs. If you dont own your own house, this is unlikely. When leasing or renting anything, lack of creditworthiness will often deter anyone from renting to you.In this case, without credit, you would have to be able to pay your rent for a year up front. If you do, then you still shouldnt rent. You should use that money as a down-payment to own your property. In reality, the best practice is to build your credit, and not use it unless needed.âWant to skip credit scores? Then get comfortable using cash.Kalen Omo, of Omo Financial Coaching, gave us a slightly rosier idea of living without credit:âI believe people today can ab solutely live without a credit score. If mom and grandma could do it, why cant I? As long as cold hard cash is the primary mode of payment for goods and services, you can live without a credit score.âOmo went on to offer some common issues you might run into when living without credit and how you could handle them:âBuying a home: The best way to buy a home without a credit score is either through a process called manual underwriting, the way mom and grandma used to get mortgages, or the one hundred percent down plan (aka buy a house in cash).âBuying a car: If youre wanting to buy a car, the best way to do exactly that without a credit score is saving up your money over time and buying it with cash. Also, because you are a cash buyer, you are also in a better negotiating position with the dealership, as you have walkaway power, and are not held to a car loan or its interest rate.âRenting a car: The best option is to do your research and find a rental car company that takes a debit card instead of a credit card. You may need to have a deposit put on your checking account, but as long as you bring the car back in the shape you left it in, youll get that back.âSo to sum it up, your life is going to look a lot like a cash-only venue.But if you do want to fix itAs we said above, life will be easier with good credit. Even Shvartsman, who was doing really well with no credit history, eventually hit a point where he needed a decent credit score. But how can you go from no credit to good credit?One of the most reliable ways is to get a secured credit card. Thatâs a credit card that requires a cash collateral but is much easier to qualify for. Then you just have to use about one-third of your credit limit each month and pay your bill in full and on time.Heres something that WONT help your credit: Taking out a predatory payday loan or title loan. These are no credit check loans that almost always go unreported to the credit bureaus. (You should watch out for cash advance loans, too.) However, there are bad credit loans out there that do get reported to the credit bureaus, so keep your eye out for one of thoseâ"especially if theyre installment loans.Life without credit isnât impossible. But youâll probably have an easier time if you start building up your credit now. To learn more about how you can improve your credit score, check out the rest of our Know Your Credit Score blog series:Credit ScoresPayment HistoryAmounts OwedLength of Credit HistoryTypes of Credit UsedRecent Credit InquiriesHave you or someone you know chosen to live without credit? We want to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsKalen Omo is the founder and owner of Omo Financial Coaching. Kalen has been in the world of personal finance since 2010 and has earned the title of Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach in 2017, after completing training with Ramsey Soluti ons, the company owned by National Best Selling Author and Financial Expert, Dave Ramsey. Kalen works with peoples personal finance issues and pain points ranging from budgeting to dealing with debt collectors to bankruptcy to estate planning to retirement. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing music, and is an avid musician.Since Mikhail Shvartsman was a kid, he has loved fiddling with computers. Before law school, he worked in technology as a web developer, system administrator, and even worked in the realm of online marketing. He currently works as the general counsel of USB Memory Direct (@usbmemorydirect). Navigating the law for an electronics wholesaler and manufacturer allows him to grow his knowledge in both technology and law.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Impressionist and Post Impressionist Art and Sculpture - 275 Words
Impressionist and Post Impressionist Art and Sculpture (Essay Sample) Content: Name Institution Instructor Course Date Impressionist and Post Impressionist Art and Sculpture Impressionism was an art movement started by a group of Parisian artist. They demanded independence in art. Their prominence grew in the late 18th century after they gained international recognition. This met harsh opposition from the art community of France. This name of the art style came from the title of Claude Monetââ¬â¢s work named as the ââ¬Å"impression, Sunriseâ⬠. Claude Monet provoked the critics of Louis Leroy who had published an article to coin in a satire in the Parisian newspaper. Impressionist painting includes a relatively small but visible brush strokes that changes the qualities of the ordinary subject matter by unusual visual angles (Lewis, 58). On the other hand, the Post-impressionism is a term used by the British artist in the early 1990s to describe the French art development from the time of Claude Monet. Post Impressionist extended fr om the impressionism though eliminating its limitations. It included vivid coloring, thick painting, and distinctive brush strokes but had more inclination to the geometric forms. The Post Impressionist much emphasized on the expressive effect and the use of the unnatural arbitrary color (Fleming and Honour 534). Many artists gave a hand in the exhibition and Impressionist painting but the main figures were Claude Monet, Pierre Renior, Pissarro, Edgar Degas, and Henri Marie who formed the backbone of the impressionist. Impressionist painting in the 19th century encompassed a variety of disciplines and display works from the French and the international artists. The work was an art and highlighted the skills of architects who successfully had adopted the original design to the museum light and space requirements. The first impressionist painting was that of Monet and the related works. Monet had an impressive collection that highlighted the development of the impressionism. Among th e most important works were the over 20 impressionistsââ¬â¢ paintings by Monet that included the entire favorites, like the blue water lilies and regatta at Argenteuil and London houses of parliament (Robertson 127). In France the popular form of woodblock prints were the bold designs from the Japanese. This form of art had an asymmetrical arrangements with contrasting large areas and intricate patterns that offered a compositional format that succeeding impressionists used to develop their ideas about color. This was very helpful as the artist required assurance of following traditional rooted path. Renoir, Degas, and Lautrec made impressionist portraits composition, which had identifiable individuals (Lewis 47). Their figure strongly influenced the photographic cropping of the Japanese design. In this work, Lautrec included a self-portrait beside a tall cousin who seemed to walk away from a can-can dancer while La Goulue is seen fixing her hair. At their fronts sits a group of entertainers, writer, and a photographer Paul Sescau. There is another woman with green lamp lit and cropped by the edge of a picture thought to be of another dancer, May Milton. Another hugely popular impressionist was the still life as it had ââ¬Å"Plein airâ⬠subject fitted to capture the atmospheric qualities of light and color. This has few outstanding examples like Renoirââ¬â¢s fruits whose vegetables carefully selected to range the prismatic colors in the impressionist spectrum. Generally, the impressionists painting and sculptures were celebrated and transformed in the commonplace but finding their beauty in the misty harbor. Another alternative exhibition mounted comprising the painting and sculptures that rejected the official salon but ironically attracted more attention than the original form (Robertson 167). It also provided a platform for displaying of any newly invented impressionist art to the entire public. Some of the rejected artist organized an altern ative exhibition in the studio of the Parisian photographer named Nada (Lewis 57). This exhibition unearthed the name that embodied a new approach to painting. Journalist and satirical magazine writers wrote a scratching review called ââ¬Å"The exhibition of the impressionistâ⬠which aimed at ridicule over Claude Monetââ¬â¢s painting. The sarcastic title by Le Harve appealed as the most public name that ever stuck. It was among the first impressionist exhibitions to be shown in the periods between 1874 and 1886. Post-Impressionism Post-Impressionism is a French Art movement in the early modernism also known as synthetics. The Post-Impressionism artists had influence from impressionism but rejected by constraints that embarked on artistic styles and based on impressionist works. The most famous impressionist artists were Paul Gauguin and Paul Cezanne. Paul Gauguin was a French postimpressionist who experimented on bold colors and found much inspiration from the South Seas ( Lewis 67). Gauguin was an important artist in the symbolist movement and his bold color use invention led to the synthetic use as a style of art. Paul Cezanne led the way from 19th century art to the 20th century art that included the style of cubism. He repetitively used the exploratory brushstrokes in his well-known landscapes, still life, and portraits. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, a French postimpressionist, captured the Parisian nightlife in his paintings where he drew and painted from his young age. He had a promising talent though physical problems that plagued his body forced him to leave the job permanently. All these artistic design either occurred in the periods of the 18th century and 19th century before the outbreak of the Second World War. They therefore perfectly fit as either of impressionist style or as post impressionist style. Paul Gauguin also made a the yellow Christ sculpture which was termed as a quintessential colonialist work. The image had reduced areas of pu re color separation of heavy black outlines. Gauguin intended to classical perspective and boldly eliminated subtle gradation of colors, which dispensed the two most characteristic principles of post-Renaissance of painting. This painting later evolved towards synthetics, which later evolved into non-color dominance but with equal roles. Gauguin also painted another sculpture that depicted the Tahitian lif...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Legal Forms of Business Paper - 938 Words
Legal Forms of Business Paper Law/531 June 3rd, 2011 University of Phoenix Legal Forms of Business Paper Selecting the best form of operating a business depends on the type of business the owner wants to run. The owners have to pick the structure that best meets their needs. ââ¬Å"The selection depends on many factors, including the ease and cost of formation, the capital requirements of the business, the flexibility of management decisions, government restrictions, personal liability, tax considerations, and the likeâ⬠(Henry Cheeseman, 210, p. 529) Moreover, choosing the right form to run a business will also determine how the business is organized, how the cash flow is, and how the business is taxed. ââ¬Å"The most commonâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Sole proprietorship was precluded because the business will be run by Monica and Susan because they have the necessary skills to be successful entrepreneurs. In this scenario, Vic will provide capital and will take a passive role in managing the business, she sill obtain profits because of her involvement in the business. For not facing some problems among them, they will have to reach an agreement generally written to state how shares will be handled; this is common called a limited partnership agreement. ââ¬Å"This agreement sets forth the rights and duties of the general and limited partners; the terms and conditions regarding the operations, termination, and dissolution of the partnership; and so onâ⬠(Henry Cheeseman, 210, p. 547). The limited partnership agreement will set forth the transactions that managers and investors can approve. This document also states the how earnings and losses will be distributed among the partners. Limited partners have also the right of being informed by general managers about the business performance and the business financial status. If Susan or Monica wants to admit a new partner, the new candidate to operate the business can be included if Vic approves this, unless the agreement document states otherwise. Limited partnership is easy to set up, and to appeal investors as limited partners. ThisShow MoreRelatedLegal Forms of Business Paper1131 Words à |à 5 Pageshead: LEGAL FORMS OF BUSINESS PAPER Alumina and BP Scenario Collaborative Analysis University of Phoenix Pedro E. Grave de Peralta LAW531-Business Law Ken Marc July 28, 2012 This paper will be discussed, as well as explaining sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, Limited Liability Company, S corporation, franchise, and corporate form found thisRead MoreAppropriate Business Forms for an Inventor876 Words à |à 3 PagesChoosing a Business Structure Abstract In this paper, the author explores the appropriate business form for an inventor to use when starting a new company. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
The Lottery Examples Of Literary Terms, And A Journal Entry
A. 1) The tone, mood or atmosphere in the story begins with that of happiness and euphoria, by setting us up with a wonderful day that most everyone would enjoy. (Quote: ââ¬Å"The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer dayâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ [pg147] ) However, later on in the story, it takes a different tone, and by the very end the tone is that of panic, disdain and fear. (Quote: ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËIt isnââ¬â¢t fair, it isnââ¬â¢t right,ââ¬â¢ Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her.â⬠[pg 155] ) 2) The conflict in this story is person versus environment (society) And to a lesser extent, person versus person. (Quotes: ââ¬Å"I tell you it wasnââ¬â¢t fair, you didnââ¬â¢t give him time enough to chose. Everybody saw that.â⬠[pg154] ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËBe a good sport,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Summers. ââ¬ËYou didnââ¬â¢t give him enough time to take any paper he wanted, I saw you, it wasnââ¬â¢t fair.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ [pg 153]â⬠5) The situational irony in the story is that in the beginning a fun filled happy day with a fun contest is expected and what actually occurs is something barbaric and murderous. (Quotes: ââ¬Å"They stood together away from the pile of stones in the corner and their jokes were quietâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ [pg148] ââ¬Å"Tessie Hutchinson was in the middle of a clear spot by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her, ââ¬ËIt isnââ¬â¢t fair,ââ¬â¢ she said. A stone hit her on the side of the headâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ [pg 155] ) 6) The lottery itself is symbolic of the paradox of the human psyche between compassion on one hand and the thirst for violence on the other. An example of this is when the children are enjoying a break from school, playing and being children, and suddenly they are being joined by adults stoning a mother to death. It appears that this tradition has blinded these people, making them unable to think of a reason why this possibly should not be happening. (Quotes: ââ¬Å"Bobbie Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones and the other boys soon followed his example selecting the smoothest and roundest stones.â⬠[pg147] ââ¬Å"The pile of stones the boys had made earlier was ready. Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, she held her hands up desperately as the villagers moved in on her, ââ¬ËIt isnââ¬â¢t fair,ââ¬â¢ she said. A stone hit her on the side of theShow MoreRelatedANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words à |à 116 Pagesï » ¿TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS The purpose of Text Interpretation and Analysis is a literary and linguistic commentary in which the reader explains what the text reveals under close examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The readerââ¬â¢s interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. Thatââ¬â¢s why one cannot lay down a fixed ââ¬Å"modelâ⬠Read MoreHindi Nibandh on Advantages of Mobile and Disadvantage17790 Words à |à 72 Pagesanti-reservation discourse), Dalit literature has the potential to humanize non-Dalits and sensitise them to a world into which they have no insight. 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Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this bookRead MoreMba Solved Assignment Papers52670 Words à |à 211 Pageswhich structures and identifies newà problems Constructive research, which develops solutions to a problem .Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of aà solutionà using empirical evidence The research room at the New Yorkà Public Library, anà exampleà of secondary research in progress. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Paul Gauguin Where Do We Come From What Are We Where Are...
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Paul Gauguin is known for being one of the worlds greatest painters, although he was not much appreciated at his time. His work seems to tell stories of his life. In his series of painting done in Tahiti, we can see the many wonders that Gauguin himself explored. Today Gauguins painting run for millions. For example; Paul Gauguins Maternite (II) done in 1899 was sold for $39.2 million. That wasnt the case back when Gauguin first started his new career. In this essay I will determine to explore Gauguins life and his well-known painting Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Paul Gauguin was born in Paris, France on June 7, 1848. Gauguins family was middleâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By 1883 he had decided to devote himself full-time to painting, a profession that had no secure income. As Gauguins wife realized that her husband would no longer be able to support her and their five children, she returned to her family, leaving Gauguin to pursue his art on his own. Between 1886 and 1891 Gauguin lived mostly in rural Brittany, although he did visit Panama and Martinique during that period of time. In Brittany, however, Gauguin was the center of a small group of experimental painters who were known as the school of Pont-Aven. Gauguin began to turn away from impressionism, and eventually began to adopt a less naturalistic style. His inspirations came from medieval stained glass, the lives of indigenous peoples, and Japanese prints. Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh introduced Gauguin to Japanese prints when the two men spent two months together at Arles in the south of France in 1888. By 1891, Gauguin was greatly in debt. He was also depressed, feeling that the civilized world around him was artificial. He left France to go to the South Seas to escape European civilization. He remained in the tropics for the rest of his life except for a visit to France between 1893 and 1895. He lived in Tahiti for a time and later moved to the Marquesas Islands. In the South Seas, his style remained essentially the same; as he used expressive color, no perspective, and thick, flat, brush strokes. On the year 1987, GauguinShow MoreRelated The Life of Paul Gauguin Essay1283 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Life of Paul Gauguin Paul Gauguin was born in Paris on June 7th, 1848. His childhood was filled with radical beliefs and a libertarian lifestyle. In fact, his own father Clovis Gauguin was a republican journalist by trade, whose own writings were criticized for their radicalism and eventually forced the family into exile in 1849. With no stable source of income due to his fatherââ¬â¢s death, the family established residency in Peru, a decision made in accordance to his motherââ¬â¢sRead More Gauguin Where Do We Come From What Are We Where Are We Going2224 Words à |à 9 PagesGauguin Where Do We Come From What Are We Where Are We Going -Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) -Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? -1897 -Oil on Canvas, 5 feet by 12 feet -Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?, is the self-acclaimed masterpiece of Paul Gauguinsââ¬â¢ career. It represents the culmination of his ideas and beliefs that he acquired throughout his life as a painter. 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With closer analysis, it becomes evident that the title extends to a much deeper meaning of the overall theme of self-examination and self-identity for the protagonist, Neil Klugman. The title, Goodbye, Columbus, primarily acts as an essential metaphorRead MoreMemo: Decorating the New Office Space With Artwork1091 Words à |à 4 Pagesrenovation of our new office is complete, it is time to consider furnishing the new space with works of art that reflect the spirit of the company and the ethos we wish to communicate to new clients. When walking into our organizations headquarters, we want people to gain a sense of tranquility and confidence. No matter how stressed they might feel, we want them to know that the partners at our law firm can handle their concerns. An image of nurturing and competence is an ideal first scene for them toRead MoreVincent Van Gogh And His Life1901 Words à |à 8 Pagesfactual evidence has come to light that itââ¬â¢s possible that he got into a fight with his mate Paul Gauguin and Gauguin who was an expert fencer might have sliced Veniceââ¬â¢s ear. At the end of his life where he seemed to be depressed and there are some accounts about him being in corn fields and saying that he codnt take it and he couldnââ¬â¢t do it, it canââ¬â¢t be done, it impossible and then shoot himself in the stomach might also be a misrehension of some of the facts because some has come to light to see justRead MorePost-impressionism and Artists1298 Words à |à 6 PagesSociety of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc. organized an exhibition in Paris. (Samu, 2004). The group led several exhibitions through the 1880ââ¬â¢s which brought them into the spot light despite criticism from the conventional art community in France. The movement received its name from one of the movements most now most recognized artists Claude Monet and his piece Impression, Sunrise. It is said that a critic accused the painting of being a sketch or ââ¬Å"impressionâ⬠. (Samu, 2004) Paintings ofRead MoreThe Happy Man1598 Words à |à 7 PagesThe text which Im going to analyse is The happy man written by Somerset Maugham. He is a well-known English novelist, short-story writer, playwright and essayist. Maugham was the son of a British diplomat. He was educated at Kings School in Canterbury, studied painting in Paris, went to Heidelberg University in Germany and studied to be a doctor at St. Thomas Hospital in England. Although Somerset Maugham didnt denounce the contemporary social order, he was critical of the morals, the narrow-mindednessRead MoreThe Stru ggle in Chaim Potoks My Name is Asher Lev Essay2205 Words à |à 9 Pageswith our lives. Do you understand me, Asher? (Potok 136). The struggle begins for young Asher Lev, a talented artist who tries to convince his father and the rest of his family of his artistic ability, when his father refuses to recognize his talent. Set in a tightly knitted Jewish community in Brooklyn, Chaim Potok successfully depicted a young boy torn between his orthodox Jewish tradition and his passion for art in his best seller My Name is Asher Lev. Asher Lev knew from a young age thatRead MoreThe Moon and Sixpence Summary7680 Words à |à 31 PagesEnglish writer, well-known as a novelist, playwright and shortstory writer. In his writings he kept to the principles of Realism, but his method of writing was also influenced by Naturalism, Neo-romanticism and Modernism.W.S. Maugham was born in Paris where his father worked as solicitor for the English Embassy. At the age of 10, Maugham was orphaned a nd sent to England to live with his uncle, thevicar of Whitstable. Before becoming a writer he was educated at Kings School, Canterbury, and Heidelberg
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Keiner Merchandising Company Net Profit Assignment
Essays on Keiner Merchandising Company Net Profit Assignment The paper ââ¬Å"Keiner Merchandising Company Net Profit" is aà thoughtful example of an assignment on finance accounting. The main purpose of the internal control procedures is to ensure that an organizationââ¬â¢s operations comply with the quality assurance standards of a firm. The objective is achieved through the maintenance of internal controls, which constitute peer reviews of financial statements and continuous performance appraisals.Record keeping of a firmââ¬â¢s assets should be separated from the custody of the same assets to avoid temptations of fraud in the safeguarding of assets.à The separation is vital because of the value attached to internal controls and oversight roles of involved staff.The responsibility of a transaction must be given to more than one party in order to ensure accountability. The move is one of the internal control measures within a firm, which prevents fraud. It is easy to trace persons responsible for fraudulent conduct when two or mor e parties are involved in a transaction especially the material requisition transaction.The items included in the cash equivalents category include cash, checks, recovery of debts and petty cash.à Liquidity refers to the ability of an organization to meet both its short-term and long-term cash commitments.A good internal control system enhances protection for the cash receipt and disbursements through a separation of duties, performance appraisal, and total quality management. Disbursement of cash requires the segregation of duties, review of authorized signors, and requisition of dual signors and the reconciliation of bank accounts in good time.The internal control ignored in the case of Franco Company is the segregation of duties. The same person authorizing checks for the company should not perform the record-keeping function. Segregation of duties could have prevented such embezzlement of the fund, $18400.The perpetual inventory system is reliable. First-In-First out system e nsures that old stock is sod before new stock is sold.Salesà à à =350 unitsClosing stockà =150 unitsOpening inventoryà à à à à =320 units$3Purchases (p1) = 80 units $3.2Purchases (p2) = 100 units $3.34FIFO method:Sales 320 units $3Salesà à à 30 units $3.2à à For the purchases (p1) closing stock accounts for 50 units @3à = $150For the purchases (p2) closing stock accounts for 100 units @ $3.2 =$320The cost of closing stock using FIFO =$ (150+320) = $ 470LIFO method:Sales100 units @$3.3480 units @$3.2170 units @ $3The closing stock will account for 150 units@$3=$450Weighted average method:Closing stock will account for 150 units @ weighted average priceWeighted average price=(3.34+3.2+3)/3= $3.18Closing stock cost=(150 x 3.18à à =$477Harris Company is the consignor and Harlow Company is the consignee. The consignee, Harlow Company has the right to include other goods as part of the stock. Harlow Company should include the consignment of $12500 g oods o transit as part of its closing inventory.Merchandise inventory includes goods ready for sale.Nov. 5thDr. Purchases account $6000(600x10)Cr. Creditors accountà $6000Nov. 7thDr. Creditors accountà $250Cr. Purchases account $250Nov.11thDr. Creditors accountà $5750Cr. Cash account $5750April 1stDr. Debtors accountà à à $3000Cr. Sales accountà à à à à à à $3000Dr. Profit and loss accountà à à à $ 1200(3000-1800)Cr. Sales $1200April 4thDr. Sales account $600Cr. Debtors accountà à à $600Dr. Sales account $240Cr. Profit and loss account $240
Religion And Religious Laws On Religion - 975 Words
For centuries there have been many religions that humans have incorporated into their lives. All religions have certain moral rules that they want their followers and society have to obey without questioning why the rules exist. Some of the religious rules have put limits on humans that go completely against human nature. This because we as humans are consider as mammals and animals as well Although there are many positive views of religion there are also many negative aspects to religious laws. For centuries, religion has put limits on its followers by denying their passions for many reasons. Religion teaches everyone whatââ¬â¢s morality good and what bad in life. They put certain rules that they want everyone to agree without questioning them. Although, some of the rules that religion inforce are morally correct to everyone, they go complete against human nature. Human are also considered animals and as animal we need to survive in life. For example, religion teaches everyone not to kill anyone and to love one another no matter whatââ¬â¢s the situation. But, itââ¬â¢s our natural animal instincts to eliminate any threat that is in our way. For society and religion this is wrong because thereââ¬â¢s a law that forbids the killing of anybody is a crime and isnââ¬â¢t morality correct. This put limits on how we deal with a situation where we feel threaten and not able to take action in our own hands. But, itââ¬â¢s perfectly fine that a tiger to kill his prey to stay alive because itââ¬â¢s an animal.Show MoreRelatedThe Power and Protection of Religious Libe rty Essay examples1027 Words à |à 5 PagesReligious liberty is a basic human right which is related to peopleââ¬â¢s daily life. When it comes to the question that whether Religious liberty should be protected by specific provisions or general provisions, people have divergent opinions. I agree that religious liberty should be protect by specific provisions including national law and international law. I have several reasons to explain it. ã⬠Key Wordsãâ¬âreligious liberty, constructional law, human right The power and the order of the common customsRead MoreThe Evidence For The Secularisation Of Western Europe1660 Words à |à 7 Pagessocial process whereby religious institutions, thinking, and consciousness are losing their social significanceâ⬠. This is relatively true in Western Europe, due to industrialisation and new technological and scientific research. The move from one ââ¬Ëcanopyââ¬â¢ religion to a branch of religions and the diversity of Western Europe undermined the religious significance of the dominant religion of Christianity in Western Europe. Bue despite all the challenges of a modern world, religion lives on through traditionsRead MoreLaw and Religion1173 Words à |à 5 PagesReligion began as a way to explain unfathomable gaps in understanding how the world and the things within it worked. It became a fundamental part of many lives because it gave the population faith and understanding as to why things functioned the way they did. Unexplainable events were concluded as the will of a higher being, as it was the simplest rational. Nonetheless, time has shifted, and with different ages comes change. However important they were when our kind had no other explanation forRead MoreReligious Freedom Essay1261 Words à |à 6 PagesReligious Freedom America has been named the melting pot of the world. It houses many different cultures, nationalities, ideas and religions. There are Christians, Jews, Catholics, Buddhists, Mormons, Hindus, Spiritualists, Jehovahs Witnesses, Islamic, plus many more. America is unique in that all these religions are represented in a nation that is only 200 years old. And America has upheld, throughout history, that the freedom and equality of religion is extremely important in orderRead MorePublic Schools All Over America975 Words à |à 4 Pagespublic schools on whether it is right or wrong because it promotes a specific religion and negates other religions. An article by The Texas Tribune, written by Morgan Smith, announced that ââ¬Å"Merry Christmasâ⬠is officially okay to say in Texas public schools. The controversy erupted when cheerleaders of East Texas High School were told that they were not able to carry signs that displayed bible verses on them. A new law was formed in Texas that allowed schools to put up Christmas oriented decorationsRead MoreThe United States And Religious Neutrality1658 Words à |à 7 PagesIn the United States, religious neutrality appears throughout society as an attempt to respect majority and minority religions, which seems implausible due to the complicated relationship between religion and government. When the government makes legal decisions involving religion, the ideal of neutrality seemingly dissipates when one faith appears to garner more respect over another in earning the majority decision in the Courts. This impossibility of state neutrality is apparent when balancingRead MoreThe Integrat ion Of Immigrants Into American Religious Life1147 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Integration of Immigrants into American Religious Life What is your definition of an immigrant? My definition of an immigrant is a person who moves to a foreign country and brings with them traditions and cultures, which they assimilate into their new country. During the nineteenth century, the United States was predominately a protestant nation, which experienced high levels of immigration. From countries such as Poland, Ireland, Russia, and Germany. Many of these ethnic groups were CatholicRead MoreEssay on Right to Religion589 Words à |à 3 PagesIntroduction Religion is an essential component of human rights, defended by a range of international accords as well as declarations. The right to religion chiefly embraces liberty of ideas on all issues, coupled with the independence to manifest religion besides the accompanying doctrines individually or with other people, not only in public but private as well. Unfortunately, at times people are compelled to leave their habitats, as a result of persecution they meet for taking a stand for whatRead MoreCan Establishment Be Consistent With Religious Freedom?1244 Words à |à 5 PagesEstablishment be Consistent with Religious Freedom? In this paper, it will be submitted that some forms of establishment such as that in England and Scotland is consistent with religious freedom. While other forms of establishment such as that in Iran, which is noted as being an Islamic theocracy with the adoption of Sharia law is not consistent with religious freedom. However, before we go any further, it is important to define the term establishment and religious freedom as they relate to thisRead MoreFreedom Of Exercise And Freedom975 Words à |à 4 PagesAmerica was founded upon was the idea that religious freedom was an inalienable right. Many who sailed to new world were pilgrims who believed the land was a promised land, sacred. They also believed the new world would allow them to escape religious persecution. When the Constitution was developed in 1787, the First Amendment addressed the relationship between the government and religion stating, ââ¬Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Strategic Planning free essay sample
This write-up attempts to review what authors have written specifically on strategic marketing process; particularly their approach and personal philosophy vis-agrave;-vis this concept. Within the various approaches, it looks at the respective purpose and structure. Then onwards provide an analytical perspective on the SWOT analysis which seemingly, marketing gurus and authors embrace in their strategic plan in todays market environment. Review: Strategic Marketing Plan Doyle (2002) explains strategic marketing plan is concerned with adapting the organisation to a changing environment more effectively than their competitors. Organisation succeeds when they meet the needs of customers more effectively than their competitors (Doyle 2002, p. 92). The markets drivers for change (Drummond, Ensor 2003), some of which are far beyond the organisations sphere of control. Adaptability becomes an inextricable phenomenon in mainstream marketing environment. The organisation has to monitor key macroenvironmental variables (demographic, economic, technological, political, and socio-cultural) and microenvironment variables (customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers) that affect its ability to retain customers (Kotler, P. 2003). In order for it to achieve and enjoy a comparative advantage, the organisation executes a careful strategic planning, and using marketing strategies to achieve this aim (Dibb et al 2001). Hence, the notion of strategic marketing plan. Doyle advanced that a well defined strategy would incorporate the following: Scope of business; Objectives; Strategic business unit (SBU) identification; Resource allocation; Deeping sustainable advantage; Effective functional strategies (positioning, product line, price, promotion and distribution; synergy. The elements of synergy and SBU identification underlined by Doyle prove relevant to large organisations with diverse business units, products and target segments. It would serve a right purpose for management to be clear and exact about their choice of product, what business are they in,and what business do they want to be. He supports his approach with the following diagram. According to Doyle, strategic focus looks at product profitability either by increasing productivity or increasing volume by market expansion and penetration as an objective for an organisation to pursue; a marketing strategy that have seen most UK supermarkets and departmental stores adopting in South East London, for instant the ASDA supermarket. Dibb et al posits the strategic marketing process is based on the establishment of organisational goals and must stay within the bounds of organisational opportunities and resources (2001, p.656). They highlight a complex set of externalities including; political, legal, regulatory, societal and green, economic and competitive, and technological forces that border around the all popular notion of PEST (political, economic, social technological) analysis. The relationship between market opportunities and organisations goals and the availability of resources to match them in relation external forces is captured below in the diagram provided by Dibb et al (2001). The aforementioned understanding relates with that of Drummond and Ensor who also agree that the external analysis is the initial step in the process of establishing the key issues facing an organisation (2003, p. 34). Given that businesses operate in hostile and increasingly complex environment, it makes sense to try to bring some order to this chaos by understanding the commercial environment and bringing some strategic sense to the process of marketing products and services (Riley, J. G. 2005). Another distinctive element of the Dibb et al model is the focus on organisational opportunities and resources, which Doyle (2003) also highlights in his approach. A proper strategic marketing planning process would seek to identify the organisations opportunities that would be matched by the necessary and available resources. For instant a company willing to enter into a large buying consumer market like the United States of America would to seek competitive advantage over its competitors by matching adequate technological, economic, management resources. More so, Dibb et al further clarifying a major confusion over the misuse of termsstrategic marketing plan and marketing plan amongst students and marketing managers: Strategic marketing plan is a plan of all aspects of an organisations strategy in the market place marketing deals primarily with implementing marketing strategy as it relates to target markets and marketing mix (2001, p. 656). Brassington and Pettitt reiterate this distinction; strategic marketing plan deals with the total strategy in a market linking customers, competitors and organisational capability while the marketing plan is an operational element dealing with the marketing mix strategy that will be used to gained leverage in the market place (2003). Brassington and Pettitt model. The leverage in the market place is what Drummond and Ensor underline on their approach in the strategic marketing planning process as it: involves achieving a superior competitive position within a defined market. Essentially, it involves segmentation, targeting and positioning. This must address customers, competitors and internal corporate factors (2003, p. 14). Drummond and Ensor stress a strategic marketing plan should be relevant and sustainable (2003); an argument also adhered to and phrased by Doyle (2002) as sustainable differential advantage. In order for that to happen, the organisation must be competitive now and in the future and be able to accept change as an integral part of strategy (Drummond and Ensor 2003). Hiebaun (1997) underlines the fact that the strategy marketing plan demands a methodology to be followed and should begin with the companys forecast and objectives . According to him, forecast consists in answering the following question: If our market and environment tendency stays the same and continues, what will be our situation in the short, medium, and long term? We have to ask ourselves: Where is the company at right now? Where are we going? Where do we want to go? However, McDonalds (2003) cautions about the using of the forecasting system as they tend to project a current business into the future, which can work if the future is going to be the same as the present or the past; if not the business would result to lost opportunities for profit, unrealistic objectives, wasted promotional expenditure, management frustration, growing vulnerability to changes in the business environment, just to name this few. Another drawback is that Hiebauns strategic marketing model assumes a fairly accurate forecasting, and does not take in to account unexpected events. In an uncertain world, long-term forecasts cannot relied upon with a high level of confidence; many firms would have to rely on scenario planning as a tool for dealing with multiple contingencies . Whereas the marketing planning process embodies a series of managerial steps (McDonald 2003, p.39), is not simply a series of action steps; it also embodies a set of values and assumptions which, while not being explicit, are nevertheless an integral part of the whole process (McDonald 1996, p. 11). He observes that an organisation would not change its value system or culture unless something very significant take place to make such a change worthwhile. Lancaster and Waddelow (1998) explore this lagging phenomenon of organisations to embrace the tenets of the all acclaimed strategic marketing plan in their study of small-to-medium-size-enterprises. They observe that the strategic scope of a marketing plan is a daunting task which creates two major barriers of perceptions in the minds of managing directors in small-to-medium-size-enterprises. It would take too much time to complete (providing poor return for the effort expended); it will be out of date by the time it is completed (wasting precious resources) (1998, p. 2). They advanced a new methodology for small-to-medium-size-enterprises that must motivate managing directors towards planning and provide for any lapses in their will and knowledge. Such a process should be simple and appropriate; a content that has meaning and resonance; a basis of continuous development and learning (Lancaster and Waddelow 1998). Whereas the representation of strategic marketing planning process proves useful in the world of academics, it is not necessarily the straightforward, linear sequential operation (McDonald 1996). SWOT ANALYSIS Definition SWOT is the acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats; simply is an effective way of identifying your Strengths and Weaknesses, and of examining the Opportunities and Threats you face . It is a summary of the audit under the headings, internal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to external opportunities and threats (McDonald 2003, p. 48). Basically, a straightforward model that provides direction and serves as a basis for the development of marketing plans. This is accomplished by assessing an organizations strengths (what an organization can do) and weaknesses (what an organization cannot do) in addition to opportunities (potential favourable conditions for an organization) and threats (potential unfavourable conditions for an organization) . David Jobber sees it as a structured approach to evaluating the strategic position of a business by identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of the marketing audit (2004, p. 44). Strengths and weaknesses are essentially associated with the audit of the internal company whereas opportunities and threats stem primarily from the external environment (Lancaster, Massingham, Ashford 2002, p. 374). Purpose of the SWOT Analysis The purpose of strategy is to be really clear before you take the direction. The point of a SWOT analysis is to have the best shot at a grounded plan, says Rashi Glazer, co-director of the Centre for Marketing and Technology at the University of California at Berkeley . SWOT analysis provides the basis upon which later stages in the strategic marketing plan depend and be used to generate thoughts for clear problem definition (Lancaster, Massingham, Ashford 2002). It provides strong evidence about what the company should and should not try to set as marketing objectives (McDonald 2003). A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning process. It provides information that is helpful in matching the firms resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates . That information would provide indicators that will assist the firm in accomplishing its objectives (a strength or opportunity), or if it indicates an obstacle that must be overcome or minimized to achieve desired results (weakness or threat) (Danca). The information that is used in a SWOT analysis exercise must be current and relevant to the firm; it should ensure that the following is completed : For strengths All strengths should be recognized and validated on a regular basis. The information can originate from internal evaluations by top management. A firms strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage including; patents, strong brand names, good reputation amongst customers, cost advantage from proprietary know-how, exclusive access to high grade natural resources, favourable access to distribution networks (quickmba, online). For weaknesses A weakness could be lack of marketing expertise, undifferentiated products or services (i. relation to your competitors), location of your business, poor quality goods or services, or damaged reputation. For opportunities Track what is being published in press releases, magazines, and market research reports for the industry. Any mention of growth or continuous trends should be noted. An opportunity could be developing market such as the Internet, mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances, moving into new market segments that offer improved profits, a new international market, a market vacated by an ineffective competitor. For threats Closely monitor press releases of competitors. The press releases can reveal what competitors are currently doing to be competitive in the industry. A threat could be: a new competitor in your home market, price wars with competitors, a competitor has a new, innovative product or service, competitors have superior access to channels of distribution or taxation is introduced on your product or service Davis (2004) suggests that information needed to conduct a proper analysis should be verified and updated before being sent to executives. Data that will be used for the analysis must reflect the current status of the industry. If the method of collecting information is flawed, the results of the analysis will be incorrect and hence provide an assessment that can be poor and lack the proper insight to make the right decisions. Cautioning Overtime, market experts have warned about the seemingly over simplistic approached usually incorporated into the strategic marketing planning. Jobber noted strengths such as I have an old established firm, We are a larger supplier, We are technologically advanced should be questioned for their impact on customer satisfaction (2004, p. 44). A considerable improvement is needed in the way SWOT framework is understood, and used, by many organizations . Koch (2000) further suggests that in appraising effects of opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses, emphasis should be put on their combined effects, rather than on the effects of individual factors in isolation from one another. Appropriate rules must be developed and observed in every SWOT analysis if it is to produce reliable inputs into strategy generation. Koch developed what he referred as the SECURE model (shown below) aimed at circumventing what he described as various SWOT malpractices. The following explanation about the SECURE model as advanced by Koch (2000): The first rule is that boundaries and structure of the market, and their anticipated changes, should be well defined. The second rule demands that all changes in the companys environment capable of influencing this company future performance be included in its SWOT analysis. One should stress here that a multiple-scenario approach to strategic planning would require a multiple SWOT inventory development at each, or at least some, organizational levels. The third rule, trends in the companys external and internal environments should be presented clearly. If, for instance, the long-term survival of the automotive industry depends on its adoption of a new propelling system for a future car, a system that would be more environmentally friendly, and increasingly based on renewable, or more abounding, sources of energy, a superior ability of car-making companies to make progress in this direction would be of critical strategic importance today. The fourth rule, companys competitive environments, their structure, forms, scope and intensity of competition should be properly examined and presented. Again, one should aim for precision of reference in all these respects. For instance, referring broadly to a company as one involved in telecommunication may be quite inadequate, while referring to it as involved in facilitating transmission of certain kind of data to certain categories of customers in certain geographic regions will make it possible to ascertain, and name, all possible opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. Aiming for a high level of precision in making ones reference sufficiently specific should not come, however, at the cost of blurring the big picture of the market. One should always try and make sure that strategic analysts overlook neither trees nor woods. The fifth rule, a clear reference to an anticipated state of the future company internal and external environment should be made. If SWOT analysis is done in absence of such a background, the verification of claims concerning individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats can be either difficult or virtually impossible. Thus, organizations need to formulate their possible future scenarios clearly and completely. Analysis of the potential significance of the various organization strengths and weaknesses in various possible future situations is obviously capable of enhancing SWOT analysis quite considerably. The sixth rule, a clear reference to future strategic objectives and strategies is required in every SWOT analysis. Failure to do so will make the evaluation of scenario-specific relative importance of individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats quite perplexing and much harder, if at all feasible.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Why I Dont Believe in God free essay sample
Why I Do Not Believe in God In this paper, I will formally and philosophically discuss the arguments posed by Thomas Aquinas and use my own personal opinions and experiences to explain my disagreements with Aquinas and why I do not believe in the existence of God. Whether or not God exists is an argument that has been ongoing since some of the earliest philosophers took it up hundreds of years ago. Many philosophers have stated arguments on this topic, from Thomas Aquinas to David Hume to St. Anselm. To this day, it is one of, if not the most, debated topics. St. Thomas Aquinas is a noted philosopher known for his empirical arguments for the existence of God. Though Aquinas posed many arguments in favor of this, I will discuss and explain the teleological argument. This argument is built upon the idea that many things in the world which we live exhibit order and standards. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Dont Believe in God or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Aquinas asserts that where there is a high order such as these, there must be a superior designer or creator who established and enforces such an order. According to Aquinas, this is whom we refer to as God. My issues with Aquinas argument most closely follow those of David Hume, the later philosopher who criticized Aquinas assertions. If God were a perfect creator, he would want to create a perfect world for his creatures to live in. An omnibenevolent God would not want evil to exist, and yet it does through both evil actions of people and natural evils such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. Additionally, many natural laws exist that can have negative effects on mankind still exist (such as falling from the effects of gravity), and we are exposed to these effects despite supposedly having a God who is omnibenevolent and mnipotent. In addition, it does not seem to make sense that God would not create every creature perfectly, rather than have some be superior than others. Though I was raised in a Christian household and attended church frequently while growing up, my beliefs have shifted as I have grown older because I have not experienced God firsthand or in a very direct way. Recently, I was not sure exactly what my stance on Gods existence was. When I learned of and researched David Humes refutation of Aquinas argument, it solidified my thoughts. I agree most directly with Humes point of a perfect God not creating a perfect world and the kind of pain and suffering this imposes. I myself, and myriad others, have had loved ones pass away after lengthy battles with cancer or other deadly, tormenting diseases. From personal experience, it makes one question the existence of a higher power because it does not seem right that a God who is supposed to love his creations so much would put them through such trials and tribulations. It is not sensical, and is frustrating to those whom, like me, have been in the situation. In brief summation, I do not believe in the existence of God. My own personal experiences in addition to David Humes well-reasoned philosophical argument have led to this conclusion. Thomas Aquinas argument for Gods existence falls short with me in that a perfect creator should not allow such bad things to occur on Earth that do â⬠wars, famines, disease, murder and other crimes, etc. A God such as the one discussed in this argument that is supposedly omnipotent and omnibenevolent especially should not allow these things to happen, and yet we as a world tace them daily.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Culp Sample Essay - Takes Some Extra Credit For a Strong College Application
Culp Sample Essay - Takes Some Extra Credit For a Strong College ApplicationA Culp sample essay is one of the ways to earn extra credits at the middle school level. This is not a typical method in high school and is usually used as a supplement in elementary schools for students that are on a daily basis.When using a Culp sample essay, you are to write an essay describing how you got from the bottom to the top in college entrance exams. This can include anything from perseverance to smarts to career planning. It will tell what you have learned as a student, and what has helped you succeed and what has caused you to falter in school.The whole point of a Culp sample essay is to make the students think about what they have learned. It is designed to encourage discussion, and help them think critically. As they go through the process of writing their essay, the student is forced to evaluate what they have learned, what they think, and what has worked for them.What is cool about using a C ulp sample essay in middle school is that there is very little pressure in writing it. This allows you to write your essay without worrying that you will fail. This makes it a great way to get into a good college without having to worry about your grade on a test or essay.In middle school, there is much more rigor in learning, which helps students learn how to complete assignments. Some people feel that these essays are boring because it forces the students to do something. You have to take the responsibility to come up with a quality essay that makes you think about the subject matter, and this is where a Culp sample essay can be a really good idea.These essays are also a good way to use your time period to make you think about life and what you have learned in this period. This may be a great way to get to know the college you will be attending and perhaps gain information on what college can mean for you personally.Culp sample essays can really help any student who is looking to get into a good college. They do not take the time to set forth a good course to take, but instead make the student to reflect on their life, how they have grown as a person, and what has helped them excel in their class. It is a very thoughtful way to give you some extra credit for taking the extra effort to prepare for the SAT.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
4 Advantages Internal Candidates Have Over You -The JobNetwork
4 Advantages Internal Candidates Have Over You -The JobNetwork Applying for your dream job? Youââ¬â¢ve finally found it, and youââ¬â¢re perfect for it. You fit the qualifications, and then some. This job is absolutely made for you! So, whatââ¬â¢s the catch? There might be internal candidates vying for the same jobââ¬âand they have a leg up. Here are 4 things internal candidates have going for them that will net them your dream job almost every time, unless you learn how to preempt the situation.1. They know the company.Internal candidates, whether theyââ¬â¢ve worked at a place for two months or 20à years, know the mission, goals, culture, hierarchy, values, etc. of the company inside and out. They also might have an understanding of the interior politics involved in this particular job opening. You do not.What you can do is research the company. Do your homework. And make sure that if you get asked in an interview about the company, youââ¬â¢re spouting information off as naturally as if youââ¬â¢d been working there ten ye ars. Act like you already do!2. The company knows them.Better the devil you know? Also better the angels. If a company knows an inside candidate can get the job done well, then theyââ¬â¢re more likely to hire them again. They also have a good sense of their work ethic, their social skills, their strengths and weaknesses.What you need to do is articulate your value. Go ahead and be upfront about this- and use it as an asset. After all, not being a known entity has its advantages. Remind them you bring a fresh perspective with you. Donââ¬â¢t be shy to share some of your new ideas in the interview. Show yourself as the most qualified person for the job, and show them they donââ¬â¢t need to worry about your delivering on your promises.3. Personal relationships are already established.Internal candidates have a bunch of people on the inside- coworkers, contacts, friends- who are loyal and will vouch for them. That goes a long way. Theyââ¬â¢ve made inroads, and have developed relationships with their team and other teams that make lots of people in the company comfortable working with them.Your only shot here is to network. Find an ââ¬Å"inâ⬠in the company, someone who could refer you or offer a personal recommendation. Or even someone youââ¬â¢ve developed a relationship with who could give you some advice from the inside on how to best prepare your application.4. Theyââ¬â¢re already a fit.Youââ¬â¢re still trying to figure out what the company culture is, and the internal candidate is already in it. Unless theyââ¬â¢re not doing well or fitting in, theyââ¬â¢ve got a huge leg up on you because their bosses will already be comfortable with them, even like them. This might be the number one reason internal candidates win out in the end- they already fit.The way you prepare can go a long way towards giving the hiring manager the same sense. Do a bit of research to figure out what you can about the company culture, then- particularly if t here are values you share- go ahead and emphasize the ways in which you fit. Talk the talk, walk the walk, etc. Show them youââ¬â¢re one of them. Put them at ease. If you can do all that and prove that youââ¬â¢d be an asset to the team, youââ¬â¢ll have a good chance of beating out your competition from within.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Free Essays on Euthanasia in America
Euthanasia in the United States The frail woman lay on her bed, chatting quietly with her grandchild. They had spent the day talking about unicorns, Cinderella, and ââ¬Å"the olden days.â⬠As they conversed, the womanââ¬â¢s daughter looked on. She nodded to the doctor, and by the end of the evening the joyful spirit of old woman was gone. Euthanasia is a practice that has become more common than realized in the United States. Various states in the Union have tried to legalize euthanasia within the past few years. Those states include Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, New York, Washington, California and Oregon. North Carolina, Utah and Wyoming do not necessarily ban physician-assisted suicide. Euthanasia is criminalized in the remaining states (Johnson 25). Oregon is the only state that allows euthanasia under tightly controlled circumstances. (Johnson 26.) There are several bills that are circulating through U.S. courts and legislatures for and against euthanasia (Matas 14b). Even though euthanasia ha s a growing base of legal support in the United States, it is murder. Oregon has had an ongoing battle about euthanasia since 1994. Citizens in the state approved Ballot Measure 16 in the 1994 November elections that would have legalized euthanasia under limited conditions (Oregon 2). The National Right to Life Committee, sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church and other Christian denominations, obtained a court injunction to delay the implementation of the measure. In the meantime, the measure was not enacted (Johnson 30). The Oregon Medical Association originally took no stand on the matter but later came out against it because of what was considered legal flaws (Oregon 4). Conservatives within the Oregon government were forced to approve the legislation due to the June 1997 second public referendum. The referendum was upheld by 61% of adults in Oregon (Oregon 5-6). A Right to Life lawyer named Annette Patterson said: ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s... Free Essays on Euthanasia in America Free Essays on Euthanasia in America Euthanasia in the United States The frail woman lay on her bed, chatting quietly with her grandchild. They had spent the day talking about unicorns, Cinderella, and ââ¬Å"the olden days.â⬠As they conversed, the womanââ¬â¢s daughter looked on. She nodded to the doctor, and by the end of the evening the joyful spirit of old woman was gone. Euthanasia is a practice that has become more common than realized in the United States. Various states in the Union have tried to legalize euthanasia within the past few years. Those states include Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, New York, Washington, California and Oregon. North Carolina, Utah and Wyoming do not necessarily ban physician-assisted suicide. Euthanasia is criminalized in the remaining states (Johnson 25). Oregon is the only state that allows euthanasia under tightly controlled circumstances. (Johnson 26.) There are several bills that are circulating through U.S. courts and legislatures for and against euthanasia (Matas 14b). Even though euthanasia ha s a growing base of legal support in the United States, it is murder. Oregon has had an ongoing battle about euthanasia since 1994. Citizens in the state approved Ballot Measure 16 in the 1994 November elections that would have legalized euthanasia under limited conditions (Oregon 2). The National Right to Life Committee, sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church and other Christian denominations, obtained a court injunction to delay the implementation of the measure. In the meantime, the measure was not enacted (Johnson 30). The Oregon Medical Association originally took no stand on the matter but later came out against it because of what was considered legal flaws (Oregon 4). Conservatives within the Oregon government were forced to approve the legislation due to the June 1997 second public referendum. The referendum was upheld by 61% of adults in Oregon (Oregon 5-6). A Right to Life lawyer named Annette Patterson said: ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Operations Management 3-6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Operations Management 3-6 - Essay Example Accessibility to customers is the key factor in improving gasoline sales. A tertiary hospital is also a preferred business for this location. The residential areas are near to it, there is no replacement market for this specialized service and healthcare services is a specific need of residents. The following factors of location B: close to major highways, on the major truck route of large transportation companies, not close to any residential neighborhoods and large open area where new development can occur is best suited for a garment processing company and a coffee processing plant. The location of the operations of a garment vital to the efficiency and profitability of company operations. Choice of location determines the productivity of capital investments. Manufacturing facilities have unique locations and there are transport costs to distribution and consumption, hence, production location affects the costs of distribution and consumption. Accessibility of manufacturing facilities of garment processing and coffee processing plant is important as transport costs represent a significant proportion of the costs of production and distribution. Without cost minimization, there will be no profit maximization. Location has a serious impact on a companyââ¬â¢s revenues. 2. ââ¬Å"Aggregate planning in manufacturing is easier to accomplish than aggregate planning in services.â⬠For example, aggregate planning for a textile processing plant is easier to implement than for a business process outsourcing company. A textile company is basically a labor intensive business. This means that the company uses large amounts of labor per unit output, and that wages form the largest single cost (50-70 percent of total costs) faced by employers. The cost of labor is therefore the most important locational determinant in the textile industry. The textile industry has been
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Marx's objectives to individual rights Research Paper - 1
Marx's objectives to individual rights - Research Paper Example However, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are convinced otherwise, affirming that bourgeois private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products, that is based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of the many by the few. 1 For them capitalism, which is based on the right to own private property, is beneficial only to the select few capitalists - or the bourgeoisie - who reap their benefits from the exploitation of the wage earners, the proletariat. For Marx and Engels, at least, private property rights protect the freedom of some but not only deny the freedom, but results in the exploitation, of many others. To understand this argument, it is necessary to have a first look at the basis of Marxs theory. Marx strongly believed that capitalist society consisted of two classes, the bourgeoisie, or the ruling class, and the proletariat, who are the exploited class: "To maintain its own existence private property must also maintain the existence of the property - less working class needed to run the factories. The proletariat is compelled, however, to abolish itself on account of its miserable condition. This will require the abolition of private property - both disappear in a new synthesis that will resolve the contradiction." 2 The employers, or the bourgeoisie, build up their wealth through the exploitation of their workers. Under capitalism workers essentially own their own labor which in one respect makes them free. However, although the workers are in charge of their own labor power, in the sense that it is not owned by a master or land owner, they are not free as they are forced to sell it out in order to survive. Instead of owning the product of their own labor, this instead goes to the capitalists who in turn retain a certain amount of the value of the product for themselves and their investment. Thus capital can be defined as accumulated labor.
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