Saturday, August 31, 2019

Vampire Academy Chapter 1

ONE I FELT HER FEAR BEFORE I heard her screams. Her nightmare pulsed into me, shaking me out of my own dream, which had had something to do with a beach and some hot guy rubbing suntan oil on me. Images – hers, not mine – tumbled through my mind: fire and blood, the smell of smoke, the twisted metal of a car. The pictures wrapped around me, suffocating me, until some rational part of my brain reminded me that this wasn't my dream. I woke up, strands of long, dark hair sticking to my forehead. Lissa lay in her bed, thrashing and screaming. I bolted out of mine, quickly crossing the few feet that separated us. â€Å"Liss,† I said, shaking her. â€Å"Liss, wake up.† Her screams dropped off, replaced by soft whimpers. â€Å"Andre,† she moaned. â€Å"Oh God.† I helped her sit up. â€Å"Liss, you aren't there anymore. Wake up.† After a few moments, her eyes fluttered open, and in the dim lighting, I could see a flicker of consciousness start to take over. Her frantic breathing slowed, and she leaned into me, resting her head against my shoulder. I put an arm around her and ran a hand over her hair. â€Å"It's okay,† I told her gently. â€Å"Everything's okay.† â€Å"I had that dream.† â€Å"Yeah. I know.† We sat like that for several minutes, not saying anything else. When I felt her emotions calm down, I leaned over to the nightstand between our beds and turned on the lamp. It glowed dimly, but neither of us really needed much to see by. Attracted by the light, our housemate's cat, Oscar, leapt up onto the sill of the open window. He gave me a wide berth – animals don't like dhampirs, for whatever reason – but jumped onto the bed and rubbed his head against Lissa, purring softly. Animals didn't have a problem with Moroi, and they all loved Lissa in particular. Smiling, she scratched his chin, and I felt her calm further. â€Å"When did we last do a feeding?† I asked, studying her face. Her fair skin was paler than usual. Dark circles hung under her eyes, and there was an air of frailty about her. School had been hectic this week, and I couldn't remember the last time I'd given her blood. â€Å"It's been like? ­more than two days, hasn't it? Three? Why didn't you say anything?† She shrugged and wouldn't meet my eyes. â€Å"You were busy. I didn't want to – â€Å" â€Å"Screw that,† I said, shifting into a better position. No wonder she seemed so weak. Oscar, not wanting me any closer, leapt down and returned to the window, where he could watch at a safe distance. â€Å"Come on. Let's do this.† â€Å"Rose – â€Å" â€Å"Come on. It'll make you feel better.† I tilted my head and tossed my hair back, baring my neck. I saw her hesitate, but the sight of my neck and what it offered proved too powerful. A hungry expression crossed her face, and her lips parted slightly, exposing the fangs she normally kept hidden while living among humans. Those fangs contrasted oddly with the rest of her features. With her pretty face and pale blond hair, she looked more like an angel than a vampire. As her teeth neared my bare skin, I felt my heart race with a mix of fear and anticipation. I always hated feeling the latter, but it was nothing I could help, a weakness I couldn't shake. Her fangs bit into me, hard, and I cried out at the brief flare of pain. Then it faded, replaced by a wonderful, golden joy that spread through my body. It was better than any of the times I'd been drunk or high. Better than sex – or so I imagined, since I'd never done it. It was a blanket of pure, refined pleasure, wrapping me up and promising everything would be right in the world. On and on it went. The chemicals in her saliva triggered an endorphin rush, and I lost track of the world, lost track of who I was. Then, regretfully, it was over. It had taken less than a minute. She pulled back, wiping her hand across her lips as she studied me. â€Å"You okay?† â€Å"I? ­yeah.† I lay back on the bed, dizzy from the blood loss. â€Å"I just need to sleep it off. I'm fine.† Her pale, jade-green eyes watched me with concern. She stood up. â€Å"I'm going to get you something to eat.† My protests came awkwardly to my lips, and she left before I could get out a sentence. The buzz from her bite had lessened as soon as she broke the connection, but some of it still lingered in my veins, and I felt a goofy smile cross my lips. Turning my head, I glanced up at Oscar, still sitting in the window. â€Å"You don't know what you're missing,† I told him. His attention was on something outside. Hunkering down into a crouch, he puffed out his jet-black fur. His tail started twitching. My smile faded, and I forced myself to sit up. The world spun, and I waited for it to right itself before trying to stand. When I managed it, the dizziness set in again and this time refused to leave. Still, I felt okay enough to stumble to the window and peer out with Oscar. He eyed me warily, scooted over a little, and then returned to whatever had held his attention. A warm breeze – unseasonably warm for a Portland fall – played with my hair as I leaned out. The street was dark and relatively quiet. It was three in the morning, just about the only time a college campus settled down, at least somewhat. The house in which we'd rented a room for the past eight months sat on a residential street with old, mismatched houses. Across the road, a streetlight flickered, nearly ready to burn out. It still cast enough light for me to make out the shapes of cars and buildings. In our own yard, I could see the silhouettes of trees and bushes. And a man watching me. I jerked back in surprise. A figure stood by a tree in the yard, about thirty feet away, where he could easily see through the window. He was close enough that I probably could have thrown something and hit him. He was certainly close enough that he could have seen what Lissa and I had just done. The shadows covered him so well that even with my heightened sight, I couldn't make out any of his features, save for his height. He was tall. Really tall. He stood there for just a moment, barely discernible, and then stepped back, disappearing into the shadows cast by the trees on the far side of the yard. I was pretty sure I saw someone else move nearby and join him before the blackness swallowed them both. Whoever these figures were, Oscar didn't like them. Not counting me, he usually got along with most people, growing upset only when someone posed an immediate danger. The guy outside hadn't done anything threatening to Oscar, but the cat had sensed something, something that put him on edge. Something similar to what he always sensed in me. Icy fear raced through me, almost – but not quite – eradicating the lovely bliss of Lissa's bite. Backing up from the window, I jerked on a pair of jeans that I found on the floor, nearly falling over in the process. Once they were on, I grabbed my coat and Lissa's, along with our wallets. Shoving my feet into the first shoes I saw, I headed out the door. Downstairs, I found her in the cramped kitchen, rummaging through the refrigerator. One of our housemates, Jeremy, sat at the table, hand on his forehead as he stared sadly at a calculus book. Lissa regarded me with surprise. â€Å"You shouldn't be up.† â€Å"We have to go. Now.† Her eyes widened, and then a moment later, understanding clicked in. â€Å"Are you? ­really? Are you sure?† I nodded. I couldn't explain how I knew for sure. I just did. Jeremy watched us curiously. â€Å"What's wrong?† An idea came to mind. â€Å"Liss, get his car keys.† He looked back and forth between us. â€Å"What are you – â€Å" Lissa unhesitatingly walked over to him. Her fear poured into me through our psychic bond, but there was something else too: her complete faith that I would take care of everything, that we would be safe. Like always, I hoped I was worthy of that kind of trust. She smiled broadly and gazed directly into his eyes. For a moment, Jeremy just stared, still confused, and then I saw the thrall seize him. His eyes glazed over, and he regarded her adoringly. â€Å"We need to borrow your car,† she said in a gentle voice. â€Å"Where are your keys?† He smiled, and I shivered. I had a high resistance to compulsion, but I could still feel its effects when it was directed at another person. That, and I'd been taught my entire life that using it was wrong. Reaching into his pocket, Jeremy handed over a set of keys hanging on a large red key chain. â€Å"Thank you,† said Lissa. â€Å"And where is it parked?† â€Å"Down the street,† he said dreamily. â€Å"At the corner. By Brown.† Four blocks away. â€Å"Thank you,† she repeated, backing up. â€Å"As soon as we leave, I want you to go back to studying. Forget you ever saw us tonight.† He nodded obligingly. I got the impression he would have walked off a cliff for her right then if she'd asked. All humans were susceptible to compulsion, but Jeremy appeared weaker than most. That came in handy right now. â€Å"Come on,† I told her. â€Å"We've got to move.† We stepped outside, heading toward the corner he'd named. I was still dizzy from the bite and kept stumbling, unable to move as quickly as I wanted. Lissa had to catch hold of me a few times to stop me from falling. All the time, that anxiety rushed into me from her mind. I tried my best to ignore it; I had my own fears to deal with. â€Å"Rose? ­what are we going to do if they catch us?† she whispered. â€Å"They won't,† I said fiercely. â€Å"I won't let them.† â€Å"But if they've found us – â€Å" â€Å"They found us before. They didn't catch us then. We'll just drive over to the train station and go to L.A. They'll lose the trail.† I made it sound simple. I always did, even though there was nothing simple about being on the run from the people we'd grown up with. We'd been doing it for two years, hiding wherever we could and just trying to finish high school. Our senior year had just started, and living on a college campus had seemed safe. We were so close to freedom. She said nothing more, and I felt her faith in me surge up once more. This was the way it had always been between us. I was the one who took action, who made sure things happened – sometimes recklessly so. She was the more reasonable one, the one who thought things out and researched them extensively before acting. Both styles had their uses, but at the moment, recklessness was called for. We didn't have time to hesitate. Lissa and I had been best friends ever since kindergarten, when our teacher had paired us together for writing lessons. Forcing five-year-olds to spell Vasilisa Dragomir and Rosemarie Hathaway was beyond cruel, and we'd – or rather, I'd – responded appropriately. I'd chucked my book at our teacher and called her a fascist bastard. I hadn't known what those words meant, but I'd known how to hit a moving target. Lissa and I had been inseparable ever since. â€Å"Do you hear that?† she asked suddenly. It took me a few seconds to pick up what her sharper senses already had. Footsteps, moving fast. I grimaced. We had two more blocks to go. â€Å"We've got to run for it,† I said, catching hold of her arm. â€Å"But you can't – â€Å" â€Å"Run.† It took every ounce of my willpower not to pass out on the sidewalk. My body didn't want to run after losing blood or while still metabolizing the effects of her saliva. But I ordered my muscles to stop their bitching and clung to Lissa as our feet pounded against the concrete. Normally I could have outrun her without any extra effort – particularly since she was barefoot – but tonight, she was all that held me upright. The pursuing footsteps grew louder, closer. Black stars danced before my eyes. Ahead of us, I could make out Jeremy's green Honda. Oh God, if we could just make it – Ten feet from the car, a man stepped directly into our path. We came to a screeching halt, and I jerked Lissa back by her arm. It was him, the guy I'd seen across the street watching me. He was older than us, maybe mid-twenties, and as tall as I'd figured, probably six-six or six-seven. And under different circumstances – say, when he wasn't holding up our desperate escape – I would have thought he was hot. Shoulder-length brown hair, tied back in a short ponytail. Dark brown eyes. A long brown coat-a duster, I thought it was called. But his hotness was irrelevant now. He was only an obstacle keeping Lissa and me away from the car and our freedom. The footsteps behind us slowed, and I knew our pursuers had caught up. Off to the sides, I detected more movement, more people closing in. God. They'd sent almost a dozen guardians to retrieve us. I couldn't believe it. The queen herself didn't travel with that many. Panicked and not entirely in control of my higher reasoning, I acted out of instinct. I pressed up to Lissa, keeping her behind me and away from the man who appeared to be the leader. â€Å"Leave her alone,† I growled. â€Å"Don't touch her.† His face was unreadable, but he held out his hands in what was apparently supposed to be some sort of calming gesture, like I was a rabid animal he was planning to sedate. â€Å"I'm not going to – â€Å" He took a step forward. Too close. I attacked him, leaping out in an offensive maneuver I hadn't used in two years, not since Lissa and I had run away. The move was stupid, another reaction born of instinct and fear. And it was hopeless. He was a skilled guardian, not a novice who hadn't finished his training. He also wasn't weak and on the verge of passing out. And man, was he fast. I'd forgotten how fast guardians could be, how they could move and strike like cobras. He knocked me off as though brushing away a fly, and his hands slammed into me and sent me backwards. I don't think he meant to strike that hard – probably just intended to keep me away – but my lack of coordination interfered with my ability to respond. Unable to catch my footing, I started to fall, heading straight toward the sidewalk at a twisted angle, hip-first. It was going to hurt. A lot. Only it didn't. Just as quickly as he'd blocked me, the man reached out and caught my arm, keeping me upright. When I'd steadied myself, I noticed he was staring at me – or, more precisely, at my neck. Still disoriented, I didn't get it right away. Then, slowly, my free hand reached up to the side of my throat and lightly touched the wound Lissa had made earlier. When I pulled my fingers back, I saw slick, dark blood on my skin. Embarrassed, I shook my hair so that it fell forward around my face. My hair was thick and long and completely covered my neck. I'd grown it out for precisely this reason. The guy's dark eyes lingered on the now-covered bite a moment longer and then met mine. I returned his look defiantly and quickly jerked out of his hold. He let me go, though I knew he could have restrained me all night if he'd wanted. Fighting the nauseating dizziness, I backed toward Lissa again, bracing myself for another attack. Suddenly, her hand caught hold of mine. â€Å"Rose,† she said quietly. â€Å"Don't.† Her words had no effect on me at first, but calming thoughts gradually began to settle in my mind, coming across through the bond. It wasn't exactly compulsion – she wouldn't use that on me – but it was effectual, as was the fact that we were hopelessly outnumbered and outclassed. Even I knew struggling would be pointless. The tension left my body, and I sagged in defeat. Sensing my resignation, the man stepped forward, turning his attention to Lissa. His face was calm. He swept her a bow and managed to look graceful doing it, which surprised me considering his height. â€Å"My name is Dimitri Belikov,† he said. I could hear a faint Russian accent. â€Å"I've come to take you back to St. Vladimir's Academy, Princess.†

Friday, August 30, 2019

Environmental Pollution and Degradation

Environmental degradation may be defined as the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. Environmental degradation has occurred due to the recent activities in the field of socio-economic, institutional and technologies. Environmental changes are dependent on many factors including economic growth, population growth, urbanization, intensification of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation.Poverty still remains a problem at the root of several environmental problems. Introduction to environmental issues problems There are innumerable issues and problems faced by the environment today. Due to rapid industrialization, heavy usage of chemicals and lack of concern for the environment, today we are facing several problems. These issues should be dealt with immediately else mankind may have to face serious repercussions. Environmental degradation is a r esult of socio- economical, technological and institutional activities.Degradation occurs when Earth's natural resources are depleted. These resources which are affected include: †¢Water †¢Air †¢Soil CAUSES The causes of environmental degradation are often as complex the problems that result. The primary cause is human disturbance. The degree of the environmental impact varies with the cause, the habitat, and the plants and animals that inhabit it. There are many causes of environmental degradation. These include. Environmental changes are based on many factors including: †¢Urbanization †¢Population growth †¢Economic growth Intensification of agriculture Increase in energy use Causes of Environmental Pollution Increased and uncontrolled human activities like industries, transportation, agriculture, health care, dwelling, and energy generation are some of the causes of environmental pollution. Several industries like textile, steel, paper, sugar, food, petroleum, cement industries, and chemical industries and causes soil or land pollution, air pollution, and water pollution. Conclusion of environmental pollution is that the major cause for the environmental pollution is activities of humans.Industrial pollutants that causes pollution includes gases like cyanides, methane, carbon disulphides, carbon tetrachloride, hydrochloric acids, hydrogen disulphides, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and sulphur dioxide and several other liquid / solid compounds. Modern agriculture which uses large scale of pesticides and fertilizers causes soil pollution and pollution of drinking water. Vehicular traffic releasing excess amounts sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide are the major causes of air pollution especially in cities.INCREASE IN TRANSPORTATION Increased and uncontrolled human activities like industries, transportation, agriculture, health care, dwelling, and energy generation are some of the causes of environmental pollution. Several industrie s like textile, steel, paper, sugar, food, petroleum, cement industries, and chemical industries and causes soil or land pollution, air pollution, and water pollution. Conclusion of environmental pollution is that the major cause for the environmental pollution is activities of humans.Industrial pollutants that causes pollution includes gases like cyanides, methane, carbon disulphides, carbon tetrachloride, hydrochloric acids, hydrogen disulphides, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and sulphur dioxide and several other liquid / solid compounds. Modern agriculture which uses large scale of pesticides and fertilizers causes soil pollution and pollution of drinking water. Vehicular traffic releasing excess amounts sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide are the major causes of air pollution especially in cities. †¢Water and air HABITAT FRAGMENTATIONHabitat fragmentation carries long term environmental impacts some of which can destroy entire ecosystems. An ecosystem is a di stinct unit and includes all the living and non-living elements that reside within it. Plants and animals are obvious members, but it will also include other components on which they rely on such as streams, lakes, and soils. ACID RAIN Acid rain occurs when sulfur dioxide from coal plant emissions combines with moisture present in the air. A chemical reaction creates this acid precipitation. Acid rain can acidify and pollute lakes and streams. It causes similar effects to the soil.If enough acid rain falls in a given environment, it can acidify the water or soil to a point where no life can be sustained. Plants die off. The AGRICULTURAL RUNOFF animals that depend upon them disappear. The condition of the environment deteriorates. Agricultural runoff is a deadly source of pollutants which can degrade environments,. Surface water washes over the soil and into lakes and streams. When it does so, it carries the fertilizers and pesticides used on the farm lands into water resources. Obvi ously, introducing poisons into waterways will have dire consequences.Fertilizers whether or not they are organic carry equal risks. URBAN DEVELOPMENT Urban development is the primary cause of environmental degradation. As populations increased, so did the need for land for homes and farms. Wetlands were drained. Environmental degradation is one of most urgent of environmental issues. Depending upon the damage, some environments may never recover. The plants and animals that inhabited these places will be lost forever. We do not have to look far to see the impacts of environmental degradation on our Earth.DEFORESTATION Cutting down massive forests impacts our biosphere. . Deforestation, wasting resources, and pollution all add to the demise of an environmentally-sound and safe planet. For example, when trees in forests are cut down in large quantities, so that more homes can be built on the land, the birds and wildlife who lived in the forest must find a new place to live. Unfortuna te Impacts of Environmental Degradation The degradation also impacts our: †¢Wildlife †¢Plants †¢Animals †¢Micro-organisms When factories produce harmful chemicals and toxic waste into bodies of water, humans suffer.Pesticides and fertilizers can also get into a region's water system and pollute it. Drinking water is contaminated. Some residing in third-world countries are highly effected by the degradation of our planet and these unhealthy practices cause the following: †¢Illnesses †¢Death in children †¢Death in adults POVERTY . People are finding less nutritious food to eat. , especially those around the Equator, are vulnerable to weather changes, water shortages, and urbanization. All of these factors are increasing the health and lives of thousands.Some scientists and environmentalists are asking that non-food items and agriculture waste be used as alternative fuel for vehicles instead. LOSING EARTH'S BEAUTY As humans dump waste products, use ch emicals, and over fish in the oceans and seas, areas of beauty such as coral reefs are damaged. At times the destruction is so great that is cannot be reversed. We are killing our planet and the consequences are tremendous. How to Stop Degradation There are ways which you can help to decrease degradation in our environment. Some of these include: †¢Purchase recycled products †¢Conserve water Do not litter or toss waste into inappropriate places †¢Conserve energy †¢Join an awareness group †¢Talk with others about the impacts of environmental degradation †¢Be an advocate to save our planet! Factors Affecting Envi: 1. Destruction of natural resources: Agricultural development and farming activities contribute, to soil erosion, land salination and loss of nutrients. The green revolution and over exploitation of land and water resources, and use of fertilizers and pesticides have increased to many folds resulting in land degradation and water logging. 2. Eff ects of Environmental Degradation: 1.Loss of biodiversity: The extinction of plant and animal species will heavily affect the ecosystem; it will reduce ecosystem adaptability and lead to the loss of genetic resources. 2. Environmental changes: Global warming is the result of ozone depletion which is responsible for perhaps 300,000 additional cases of skin cancer a year and 1. 7 million cases of cataracts and may lead to increase in the risk of climatic natural disasters. 3. Hazardous waste production: Diseases are spread by uncovered garbage and drains; the health risks from hazardous wastes are typically more localized, but often acute.Wastes affect productivity causing pollution of groundwater resources. 4. Soil erosion has increased due to deforestation. 5. Climate has become warmer in the deforested regions due to lack of humidity. 6. Floods and droughts have become frequent. 7. Pattern of rainfall has been changing. 8. Pollution due to increased levels of chlorofluorocarbons an d nitrogen oxides cause depletion of ozone layer in the stratosphere. 9. Acid rain is the indirect impact of air pollution. 10. Use of pesticides makes the soil toxic for plants. 11.Large amount of organic matter causes eutrophication. 12. Thermal zonation caused by hot water affects migration of aquatic animals due to thermal barriers. Environmental pollution can be defined as the deleterious effects or changes that causes disturbance to the existing environment and affects the components of the environment. Find below the causes, effects, and conclusion of environmental pollution. Presence of unsafe unnatural components that causes imbalance to the ecosystems and health hazards to animals and human beings is called pollution.Pollution affects the all the components of environment that mainly includes soil (land), water, and air Effects of Environmental Pollution Health problems due to environmental pollution ranges from the skin irritations and simple vomiting to brain tumors, int estinal cancer, and other cancers, from simple fever to the fatal hepatitis, from normal throat irritation to the deadly heart diseases. Air pollution affects the human health and is associated with problems of lungs, throat, respiratory problems, cancer etc.Water pollution of water causes health problems like gastric problems in human, affects the life aquatic organism, etc. Foods that we consume are polluted due to the use of polluted water and use of pesticides, or microbial activities. Many persistent pesticides that enter into the food chain accumulate in the human and animal bodies at larger concentrations and affect the health. Soil pollution due to various hazardous solids and liquids creates imbalances to soil ecosystems and affects the vegetation and habitats of living organisms. Conclusion of environmental pollution effects s it is a major concern of human and animal health and affects the entire ecosystem. So keeping in view of effects of environmental pollution humans a nd government should take several measures to prevent pollution and incorporate stringent laws to prevent environmental pollution. Environmental Issues Problems Conservation of species:Conservation of water, air and the natural habitat of animals and plants to curb their extinction. Over the last fewdecades several plants and animal species have become extinct which has led to a loss of biodiversity on the planet.Climate Change: Due to global warming effect the climate has changed significantly over the last century. Extreme temperatures are bringing about never before seen natural calamities like frequent draught and flooding Energy Crisis:Excessive usage of fossil fuels has led to depletion in these fuels. Usage of alternate fuel will help conserve fossil fuel. Exploitation of Natural Resources:Large scale deforestation has led to loss of vegetation. This in turn has affected rainfall, caused land degradation, soil erosion and changed the planet surface.Nuclear Issues:Usage of nuc lear power has caused major changes in the climate and composition of soil, water and air. This in turn has changed the habitat for birds, animals which migrate to other places in search of a good habitat and sometimes become extinct. Radioactive Nuclear waste needs to be dealt with in a proper way so that it does not affect the environment. Overpopulation:Overpopulation is a major global environmental issue. As the population of the world is increasing more and more resources are used up and destroyed for human use, this has dented the environment.Appropriate measures should be taken to curb population explosion. Pollution:Large and small industries and households discard industrial and household waste in water and in the atmosphere that is causing large scale pollution. This kind of pollution prevents proper growth of plant and animal species. Waste management is an important process of controlling pollution. CONCLUSION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES PROBLEMS Continuous damage has been caused to the environment over the centuries. It is important to make consolidated efforts to control degradation of envi HOW TO STOP DEGRADATION There are ways which you can elp to decrease degradation in our environment. Some of these include: †¢Purchase recycled products †¢Conserve water †¢Do not litter or toss waste into inappropriate places †¢Conserve energy †¢Join an awareness group †¢Talk with others about the impacts of environmental degradation Be an advocate to save our planet! CONCLUSION †¢ Air pollution affects all life on Earth, from reducing a plant's ability to produce food to acidifying lakes and killing fish, to causing human disease and death.The complexity of air pollution with its many causes requires a multi-faceted approach that involves not only industry control but conservation practices by citizens as well. it is impossible that one can control environmental pollution but one can control one's own surrounding by throwing ga rbage in proper place, can ride cycle to nearby places and this motto should be followed by each and every person . What do you mean by â€Å"Money is a System of Power? † Money is one of the most extraordinary of human inventions. As a means of exchange it makes modern commerce possible and is one of the most beneficial of institutions.As an instrument of power it can support the most insidious and destructive of tyrannies, particularly when the processes of its creation and extinction are hidden from public view and shielded from public accountability. Money, a mere number of no inherent substance, utility, or worth created from nothing with an accounting entry when a bank creates a loan, shapes the boom and bust cycles of economic life. Its international flows determine the fate of nations. Individuals who have it in large supply enjoy lives of grand opulence in the midst of scarcity.Those who lack it face death by starvation in the midst of plenty. roleThe function of mon ey as medium for exchange required that money acts as a measure of value, otherwise how else would we know how much one item is measured in terms of other items? So human need to facilitate exchange is what gave rise to the role of money as both measure of value and medium of exchange. So far there would be little or no argument as to what money is or its role. As measure, money in and by itself has no value except in terms of the goods and services you can get in exchange for giving up an amount of that money.As a measure, money also is a neutral medium where it only shows how much each commodity is worth in relation to another commodity. A tape measure is the same tape measure whether you are measuring carpet, a pipeline, or how tall or short you are. The value is not in the tape except for the function of standard measuring it provides. It is in what the tape is measuring, and such a value is weighed in relative terms. The distance a taxi travels is measured in terms of money whi ch the driver gets in return for the services of traveling such a distance, which is the same amount of money the passenger pays the driver in return for the service.Neutrality of money is a guarantee that money does not distort the terms of exchange as the relative value of things would be measured of how much one is willing to sacrifice in terms of one commodity in return for another. Once neutrality of money is violated then its very role in facilitating exchange and promoting economic growth of producing more and consuming more in and by itself is compromised. Placing value on money itself then becomes a distorting factor where things are no longer only weighed in terms of relative values to buyers and sellers.A new player comes into play where terms of exchange are now affected by how much value a â€Å"money supplier† places on that money where money abandons the role it was created for to become a commodity in itself. Role Of Commercial Banks In The Economic Developmen t Of A Country – Presentation Transcript 1. o1. Banks promote capital formation o2. Investment in new enterprises o3. Promotion of trade and industry o4. Development of agriculture o5. Balanced development of different regions o6. Influencing economy activity o7. Implementation of Monetary policy o8. Monetization of the economy o9. Export promotion cells . Role of Commercial Banks in the Economic Development of a Country o3. Promotion of trade and industry: oWith the growth of commercial banking, there is vast expansion in trade and industry. oThe use of bank draft, check, bill of exchange, credit cards and letters of credit etc has revolutionized both national and international trade. 3. Role of Commercial Banks in the Economic Development of a Country o4. Development of agriculture: oThe commercial banks particularly in developing countries are now providing credit for development of agriculture and small scale industries in rural areas. The provision of credit to agricultu re sector has greatly helped in raising agriculture productivity and income of the farmers. Globalization and the Indian Economy Indian markets have been transformed relatively as there is addition of wide range of goods in the recent years. These rapid transformations can be understood by analyzing the various aspects like:- 1) Production across countries: Before the middle of the twentieth century, production was largely organized within countries. Raw materials, food stuff and finished products were crossing the boundaries. Trade was the main channel connecting distant countries.This was before large companies called multinational corporations emerged pm the scene. Whence the goods and services are produced globally and production is organized in increasingly complex ways. The production process is divided into small parts and spread out across the globe. The advantages o f spreading out production across the borders to the multinationals can be truly immense. 2) Interlinking pro duction across countries: Almost all MNC’s set up production where it is close to the markets; where there is skilled and unskilled labour available at low costs; and where the availability of other factors of production is assured.The money that is spent to buy assets such as land, building, machines and other equipment is called investment. Investment made by MNC’s is called foreign investment. At times, MNC’s set up production jointly with some of the local companies of these countries. MNC’s provide money for additional investments like buying new machines for faster production and they might bring with them the latest technology for production. As a result, production in these widely dispersed locations is getting interlinked. 3) Foreign trade and integration of markets Foreign trade has been the main hannel for connecting countries. It is an opportunity for the producers to reach beyond the domestic markets. Producers can sell their produce not only in markets located within the country but can also compete in markets located in other countries of the world. Similarly, for the buyers, import of goods produced in another country is one way of expanding the choice of goods beyond what is domestically produced.Therefore, foreign trade results in connecting the markets of integration of markets in different countries. ) By understanding the meaning of globalization: Globalization means integrating the Indian economy with the world economy. In the process India becomes economically interdependent with other countries at the global or international level. It seeks removal of trade barriers. There are various features of globalization they are: 1. Many producers from other countries can sell their goods and services in India. 2. India can also sell its goods and services in other countries. 3. Businessmen of other countries can establish their enterprises in India, produce goods for sale within the country or to other countries as ex port. . In the same way entrepreneurs from India can also invest in other countries. 5. Globalization includes not only movement of capital and goods but also allows exchange of technology experience and laborers from one country to other and 6. In pursuance of this policy government of India has removed restrictions on imports of goods, reduced taxes 5) Factors enabled globalization: Rapid improvement in technology has been one major factor that has stimulated the globalization process. This has made much faster delivery of goods across long distances possible at lower costs.There have been remarkable developments in information and communication technology. Information and communication technology has played a major role in spreading out production of services across countries. Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is what is known as liberalization. The government imposes much less restrictions than before and is therefore said to be more liberal. 6) WTO  œ meaning and its functions: It was set up in 1995 by the member countries of the United Nation to promote trade among countries.Headquarter is located in Geneva. It has influenced the liberalization and globalization processes in most of the developing countries, including India. It aims at conducting international trade among countries of the world in an open uniform and non-discriminating manner. WTO allows free trade to all, in practice, in developed countries. On the other hand, it rules have forced the developing countries to remove trade barriers. 7) Impact of Globalization in India: Globalization has taken an important place in the Indian economy for the last fifteen years.Globalization in combination with greater competition among producers – internal as well as external, has been of greater advantage to consumers, particularly the well-off sections in the urban areas. Although the impact of globalization has not been uniform, because, MNC have increased their invest ments in India during the last fifteen years, which has proved to be beneficial to India. Mushrooming of industries like cell phones, automo iles electronics, soft drinks, fast food or services, via MNCs have created new avenues. It has given an opportunity to the raw material suppliers to prosper too.On the other hand, the top Indian companies have been able to benefit from the increased competition by investing in new technology and production methods and raised their production standards. Moreover, globalization has enabled some large Indian companies to emerge as multinationals themselves! Some of the Indian companies which are spreading their operations world-wide are Tata-Motors (automobiles), Infosys (IT), Ranbaxy (Medicines), Asian Paints (Paints). It has created new opportunities for companies providing services, particularly those involving IT.But for a large number of small producers and workers, globalization has posed major challenges. Globalization and the pressure hav e also posed a threat to the worker’s jobs, as they are not secure any more. Workers are low and workers are forced to work overtime to make both ends meet. The workers are sometimes denied their fair share of benefits which is brought about by globalization. 8) The struggle for a fair globalization: Globalization has not benefited everyone by way of not giving the best of the new opportunities and have not shared the proper benefits.Fair globalization would create opportunities for all and ensure the benefits of globalization are shared better. It is possible if government takes major steps in this respect. The policies should be framed to protect the interests of all the people in the country, such as labour laws are properly implemented and thus the workers get their rights. By supporting small producers to improve their performance till the time they become strong enough to compete. †¢

Working Weeks

In New Zealand by Altering Working Weeks If I could change one thing about the world of business and organizations, it would be to alter the generic 40 hour working week for New Islanders. I would define this key strategic issue in two particular contexts; the first of which being how the generic working week is structured, and the second being the average amount of normal weekly hours a full time worker must work to maintain a livelihood. It is imperative that both areas of this Issue are addressed in order to benefit employees, societies and corporations.This can be done by combating society Issue of growing unemployment to generate a sustainable employment future for all kiwis, while still benefiting employers by Increase efficiency and effectiveness within our economy. This particular Issue Is Important to me because I have now been unemployed for seven months and have found it extraordinarily difficult. I often worry about how my children will handle employment in the future alo ng with the inevitability that it is to only bound to be worse for them. Increasing population vs.. Creasing amount of jobs is to blame for this rising trend towards future unemployment. Population is increasing at an exponential rate which is driving unemployment up, but is not as easily addressed as the issue of decreasing Jobs. It is widely known that globalization has been a number one driver in unemployment. Fifty percent of Jobs that were available thirty years ago no longer exist due to technological advancement or ‘machines taking over' (Rotten, 2013). Jobs are increasingly being replaced by robots to improve efficiency, and as technology advances; so too will this issue.I worked as a checkout operator at New World Metro for five years and during this time we Introduced self-service lanes, which dramatically decreased New Worlds need for checkout staff. I was trained as a self- service supervisor and my Job was to look over eight of these machines and help if any issue s arose. Technically, my job replaced that of eight checkout operators. It is not to say that people were fired during this time of transition, but when people left; many were not replaced due to lack of demand.This example from my prior work experience can be applied to majority of firms these days. It is an issue to be addressed in all industries, at both ends of the spectrum, from supermarkets to law firms. Many have predicted computers to take the place of lawyers in the next 10 – 20 year because of their capacity to hold information from millions books (Lick, 2013). However, Increasing technology Is not something that can be, nor should be stopped, as It helps economies grow and become more efficient and effective. It Is Improvements In the way we work, that may be able to address this Issue.There are various ways we can look at combating unemployment and increase efficiency and effectiveness within the New Zealand structured. New Zealand currently adapts an eight hour a day, five day week. This leaves workers with only two free days a week implying 30% free time, which Just does not feel like enough. It is depressing to think that as a human we spend 70% of every week of our entire life working. Changing too 10 hour: 4 day ratio means free time is increased to 42. 8% of every week; which is a whole lot closer to half way.Using this structure, workers can still work the same amount of hours while earning the same income but gaining an extra day of free time to spend doing the things they enjoy. This will improve each individual's general mood, thus creating happier irking environments, which could generate more efficient and effective workplaces. It is also inevitable that work places would become more efficient under this system, as projects would get completed at a faster rate. Companies would gain two extra hours a day of an individual's time to complete each project, thus completing Jobs at a higher frequency in the same amount of working hours .The 10 hour: 4 day week could also impact positively on unemployment, as companies gain an entire day of working hours where cover must be found a week. Fortunately this extra day does not mom at the expense of decreasing anyone else's hours, thus an entire new Job is formed. This idea comes under the assumption that majority of companies are open seven days a week. Consequently, each organization would need to increase their Weekend staff to cater for this extra day. Additionally, this structure could also help job-share equality in the workplace; implying two days each for each worker.Therefore this 10 hour four day week would not only be beneficial for full time employees by increasing their free time, and Job share employees by creating an equal split, it would also benefit corporations by increasing productivity and efficiency, and society by decreasing unemployment. The next area to look at when addressing issues surrounding unemployment and effective workplaces, would be the average amount of normal weekly hours full time workers work. New Islanders currently adapt a 40 hour average working week, with many (particularly in trade areas) working 48 hour weeks.There seems to be a trend towards employees working larger amounts of hours as there is a higher demand for these kinds of workers. Unfortunately, this system favors corporations at the expense to employees and societies. This is an area which must be addressed in order to maintain equality teen the three. If we continue with our current system, issues surrounding this inequality will only get worse. Results could possibly lead to a future where our children would be considered (in today's society) as slaves.The number one way to address this would be to somehow prove to organizations that decreasing employee's average hours, would benefit their company in the long run. We can look to countries like Germany and France for particular examples of decreased hours benefiting economies. France currently adapts a 35 hour working week with longer holiday periods. They work the least in the world but have one of the highest productivity rates, working less but working better valuing quality over quantity (Businesswoman's, 2013). Germany on the other hand, also adapt a 35 hour working week and maintain a low unemployment rate of 5. % (Rheostat, 2014) compared with New Sealant's 5. 9% (Businesses, 2014). The British Economics Foundation makes fair point in their book time on our side' that the optimum working resources, reducing greenhouse gas, benefiting employee's general health and fix unemployment by creating new Jobs. I particularly agree with the issue of benefiting employee general health. I have previously argued that increasing employees free time days will improve their mood, but will also improves their general health, whether it mental or physical.It is evident that SSH accidents increase as an individual's amount of hours worked increases, stress and fatigue being general c auses (OCHS, 2012). This is neither an efficient or effective way of working and is a particular issue in trade industries, as many opt for increased hour working weeks to keep up with demand. Companies should decreasing employee's hours in order to decrease work place accidents in order to promote efficient and effective workplaces. A final point to note is that, decreasing the average working week will generate new jobs which is the number one issue at hand in my argument.Altering the generic 40 hour working week is key to combating unemployment and increase efficiency and effectiveness within the New Zealand economy. We can do one of two ways; how the working weeks are structured and by looking at how many hours people work. I argued that in re-structuring to four ten hour days provides far more benefits for employees, societies and companies than five eight hour days in a working week. My final argument proved that the inequalities between these three parties must be dressed now in order for future generations not to be taken advantage of and this can be addressed by decreasing working weeks.I feel that there is a high likelihood that measures to alter working weeks will be addressed in the future, as issues surrounding increasing population vs.. Unemployment due to globalization grow. However, barriers to addressing this would surround individual's right to choose how much they want to work. As the working economy gets more competitive people will want to do more to get on top. If that means working more, than this issue has the potential to get a lot worse. References Businesswoman's. 2013, 12 13). Is the 40-hour Workweek Too Long?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Food and Beverage Management - ELEVATING THE SERVICE EXPERIENE Case Study

Food and Beverage Management - ELEVATING THE SERVICE EXPERIENE - Case Study Example Ron’s management method was not sufficient and impacted negatively on the business. Such methods were use of direct and forceful words, sustained eye contact and negative change in the staff meal policy A strategy to ensure employee retention would be through establishing trust and building engagement. The trust should be both among employees and their leadership. Engagement would be through showing genuine concern in employees’ opinions. Susan’s technique had a positive effect and therefore improved the service and state of the business. She employed techniques such as size of the sections was 18 guests per server per seating, open among others. Staff morale was therefore positive for both hourly employees and the management team. Ron’s management negatively impacted his management team in a number of ways; pressured his assistant managers to make changes without providing them with recommended solutions, fired his Beverage Manager leaving the other two assistant managers with extra work load. Guests were unsatisfied due to regular wine shortages (Rick 03). Tension built amongst the team which caused small mistakes in the job duties and had negative effects on the guest experience. A method to increase employee engagement and retention would be to share information and numbers in order to get their perspective of the business. This encourages expression of their ideas without fear of criticism and one gains better insight on how to address their

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Developing Management Capability Speech or Presentation

Developing Management Capability - Speech or Presentation Example Your first lines, therefore, should be creative, exciting and interesting. b) 'These next lines are good, and they can be effective if said with passion that will show the listeners how significant a small percentage (like 2 per cent) can be when considered in context of the base amount which, in this case, is 1.2 billion in euro. Assuming that these figures are all well-researched and accurate, this part should serve to be when the you - the speaker - convince the listeners that what you are presenting is worth looking into. The presentation slides used to highlight these lines should show pictures of the market that the listeners would want to tap. Without such critical slides, the important point relayed by this part of the presentation - the market you want them to target - will just be missed by the listeners. c) These lines should never be said, "What sort of things do I mean by informational-educational This is not the best example, but it will help to illustrate the idea: Sotheby's has produced a video guide to eighteenth-century French furniture." They are ineffective points that will only ruin your presentation. These lines give your listeners the feeling that your presentation is not the best that you can give or do. Citing examples to make things clear would be effective only if the examples used for the purpose are the best and the most fitting. It is one big blunder to use second-best examples to illustrate a point; and it is another equally big blunder to actually tell the listeners that the example you are about to name is actually not the best. To be persuasive and convincing, your listeners should be made to feel that you took pains to put together for them a great presentation that contains accurate data and intelligent choices of words, examples, and lay-out of the slides. d) "Now I'd like to talk about where I see the opportunities in this market. I see them at the high end - the affluent - I think it's a defined target, it has a lot of discretionary income, and its interests lie in the areas I want to market into." These lines are ineffectively worded. There are better ways to put the points therein to words. Instead of those lines that rather sound dragging, you should instead use a slide or two to show the listeners a diagram of the entire DVD-renting population and then to specifically point out the specific part of it that represents the market niche that you want to capture. Attaining such goal should be doable if your listeners will be fired up and become enthusiastic and passionate believers of what you yourself believe in. e) "The project would investigate the viability of starting a production and distribution outfit in Europe; it would investigate the potential product portfolio in the market, and would essentially turn an idea into a business proposition that can be put to a bank to raise capital." These lines would dampen the excitement roused by your earlier lines. These are ineffective points, unless they are rephrased and discussed with more optimistic and energy. The financing concerns are to be dealt with by the finance people, and maybe the conservative and serious words are the ones to use when talking with them. But when talking to a group for the purpose of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Resort Maps - Business Acquisition Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Resort Maps - Business Acquisition - Case Study Example In addition, the background research reveals other issues, for example, the transfer fee of $5,000 to the franchisor, human resources, customer payments, business risks, and mode of ownership which will help in making the decision. Question B I would use the net present value methodology to determine the valuation for Breckenridge business. This is because the net present value methodology is helpful in assessing the success of the business. The net present value methodology will illustrate the definite change in the value of Breckenridge business as a consequence of taking on the business. This means that approximating the current value of Breckenridge business and anticipated profits from Breckenridge business I can evenly evaluate the financial outlook of the business and a sensible decision can be reached as to whether business will be profitable to consider pursuing. I would not need to carry out further research. There are several ways I would go about when preparing to make an offer. One, I would see a business broker. A business broker will give sound advice regarding the transaction. Two, I would talk to the clients of the business to get a feeling of the business. Three, I would talk to the owners to gain more information about the business and the reasons for selling. Finally, I would make an offer while negotiating the most suitable deal. Question C I would be willing to invest $130,000 to purchase the Breckenridge business. My basis for this decision is that there will be an extra $5,000 which will be charged to act as franchise fee payable to the franchisor upon the sale of the business, per the terms of the franchise agreement. This will also be close to the stated price of $150,000. Nonetheless, that price is fair as I will not be guaranteed that the business will enhance the price of advertising, consequently, adding more money to the bottom line. There are two conditions which I would place on the deal. One, I would demand for compensation if the level of customer satisfaction does not lead to a rise in price of advertising by $100 per space, adding more than $10,000 to the bottom line as projected. Two, the owners should offer adequate information regarding the marketplace status so as to help cement the business’ position. Question D My first offer would be $120,000. My rationale for that number is that despite the extraordinary customer satisfaction and anticipated related increase in the price of advertising, the cost of functioning over the years may have gone up and the prices of competitors may have gone down, increasing expenditure and lessening earnings. There should be significant flexibility in the negotiations. This will help in the continuous evaluation of what may be attained and what may not be workable. Also, the negotiations will have different environments and different individuals, hence the need for flexibility. Question E I would finance the acquisition in several ways. First, I would use fami ly. Family members may provide or loan the entire amount or down payment that is required. Second, I would use the SBA, via its official lenders who offer business acquisition loans. Finally, I would utilize personal funds, for example, cash savings or other investments. I would personally invest $80,000. I would not consider joining up with an investor or

Monday, August 26, 2019

Law of Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Law of Evidence - Essay Example Evidence from the central cog around which all cases are based upon and in many cases the facts must align with all other circumstances in order for the case to be successful. In Goldsmith v Sandilands (2002) 76 ALJR 1024 (HCA), it was held that evidence is admissible generally only if it proves a fact under determination or a fact relevant to the case. In the past, the law of evidence was based on witness statements and other circumstantial evidence such as tools of crime, for example a gun or a knife found in possession of the culprit. These form the evidential component of the case which when put together with the law, the case become valid. In modern times, evidence has gained more legitimacy in courts of law as they form the basis around which many cases are established. In modern judicial jurisprudence, evidence from both sides of an adversarial system is weighed against each other and a final determination is undertaken based on the outcome of this comparison. A party whose case is founded entirely on weak evidential basis eventually loses the case. There are basically two broad types of judicial systems, that is one system is based on a jury system whereas the other system is purely based on a magistrate system. The jury system is mostly practiced in the United States whereas the magistrate system is in other commonwealth countries led by the United Kingdom. The role of these two institutions when it comes to evidence is quite diverse. Given the fact that both these offices are based on the need to have a final habiter on each court case, evidence becomes the only means through which a case can be determined especially in cases where the law is clear. This essay will examine the role of each given the fact that burden of proof is usually the basis around which every case is determined. In a jury system, a selection of individuals is randomly selected from the population and their views based on the evidence and the law will determine the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The retail revolutions in the UK and US. Similarities and differences, Essay

The retail revolutions in the UK and US. Similarities and differences, the winners and losers - Essay Example Undoubtedly, in the last several years, the retail industry has changed considerably just to get better and enhanced. Uprising in every aspect of production, distribution, technological, marketing and delivery have ultimately led to the revolution of the retail industry. This project would focus on this specific industry, the revolutions taken place in USA and UK, the similarities and differences of the retail markets in these two countries. The analysis would further lead to the identification of gainers and losers of this industry. Global Retailing Industry At the end of the 20th century, both North America and Europe have experienced the surfacing of the supermarkets to take prevailing grocery retail form. As the income level increases, the super marketers expanded their product range to seek convenience as well as new tastes and stimulus of the customers. In the later years, with the advancement of technology, introduction of barcode has enabled these stores to effectively manage number of merchandises and their prices (Anand & Nambiar, n.d., p.1-2). Furthermore, the retail stores have introduced 'just-in-time' store replacement and the capability to manage more individual product items. In the coming years, the logistical systems integrated store replacement and computer driven depots integrated in one single electronic system leading to the establishment of superstores. There have been a considerable amount of changes from the last decade to this date. One of the few similarities, which still remain same from the last decade, is that Wal-Mart still holds its top position with distinction across the globe. Other than the dominance of Wal-Mart, there is little or even negligible changes from that of the mid-1990s. The world economy has experienced a considerable amount of shift with changes in the retailer’s operating systems and consumer demand with the incorporation of enhanced technology. Furthermore, intensive competition, saturated customer base and limited legislation have pushed the leading food retailers to cross the borders. Since middle of the 1990s, a number of governments have encouraged their economies to open up, leading to the entrance of the foreign investment and free markets. The entire situation has become favourable for the leading retailers to expand further to capture the global market. In the wake of recent economic downturn, there has been cutback in the corporate IT expenses and other capital spending. Furthermore, the consumers have become more sensitive to the price as well as conservative in the buying behaviour. This has been more prominent in the advanced economies. The global recession has forced the retailers to look more into the cost more effectively. In the second half of the 1990s, the supply chain innovations have been stronger and have continued till date. In the recent times, change in the consumer preference would fuel the online retail services. As of now, the US has remained the biggest area for the online retail with around 37.2 percent of the total market share (IMAP, 2010, p 3-4). USA Retail Revolution The retail revolution of the USA started with the opening of departmental stores in the 1860s, and the constant evolution of the retail industry in USA continues till date. Historically, the production sector has been credited with all innovation and contribution to the growth of the society, and the retail

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Perspective on Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Perspective on Policing - Essay Example According to Wilson and Kelling, minor disorders (like littering, loitering, public drinking, panhandling, and prostitution) if tolerated, produce an environment that is likely to attract crime. They signal to potential criminals that delinquent behavior will not be reported or controlled -- that no one is in charge. One broken window, left unrepaired, invites other broken windows. These progressively break down community standards, leaving the community vulnerable to crime. A stable neighborhood of families who care for their homes, mind each other's children, and confidently frown on unwanted intruders can change, in a few years or even a few months, to an inhospitable and frightening jungle. A piece of property is abandoned, weeds grow up, a window is smashed. Adults stop scolding rowdy children; the children, emboldened, become more rowdy. Families move out, unattached adults move in. Teenagers gather in front of the comer store. The merchant asks them to move; they refuse. Fights occur. Litter accumulates. People start drinking in front of the grocery; in time, an inebriate slumps to the sidewalk and is allowed to sleep it off. Pedestrians are approached by panhandlers. At this point it is not inevitable that serious crime will flourish or violent attacks on strangers will occur. But many residents will think that crime, especially violent crime, is on the rise, and they will modify their behavior accordingly. Such an area is vulnerable to criminal invasion. Though it is not inevitable, it is more likely that here... drugs will change hands, prostitutes will solicit, and cars will be stripped. That the drunks will be robbed by boys who do it as a lark, and the prostitutes' customers will be robbed by men who do it purposefully and perhaps violently. The social meaning in question is the meaning of order and disorder. Order means that the community cares about its neighborhood and is prepared to enforce norms of orderliness. Social norm proponents suggest that "some social meanings are constructed." Those that are, are socially constructed through the interrelationship of action and context -- the context being certain expectations or understandings that are often unquestioned. Social meanings are "the frameworks of understanding within which individuals live; a way to describe what they take or understand various actions, or inactions, or statuses to be; and a way to understand how the understandings change."(n66) When these understandings are uncontested, the related social meanings acquire more power and appear unavoidable. Social Influence Social meanings can have social influence, which is to say that they can influence the behavior of individuals in society. In the broken windows context, the social meaning of disorder influences the disorderly to commit crimes and law abiders to leave the neighborhood. Conversely, the social meaning of order influences the disorderly not to follow their inclination to commit crime and law abiders to walk more freely in the streets at night. The relationship between social meaning, social influence and social norms is illustrated in the following figure: In the context of order-maintenance policing, this suggests that, by encouraging the social norm of orderliness, major crime may decline because (a)

Friday, August 23, 2019

Yorkshire Dilect and Pronunciation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Yorkshire Dilect and Pronunciation - Case Study Example Ð  quÐ µstionnÐ °irÐ µ contÐ °ining itÐ µms which rÐ µflÐ µctÐ µd Ð ° numbÐ µr of sociÐ °l bond vÐ °riÐ °blÐ µs Ð °nd Ð ° mÐ µÃ °surÐ µ of frÐ µquÐ µncy of Yorkshire diÐ °lect wÐ °s Ð °dministÐ µrÐ µd to Ð ° sÐ °mplÐ µ of collÐ µgÐ µ studÐ µnts. ThÐ µ rÐ µsults indicÐ °tÐ µd thÐ °t nÐ µÃ °rly Ð °ll of thÐ µ sociÐ °l bond mÐ µÃ °surÐ µs wÐ µrÐ µ invÐ µrsÐ µly rÐ µlÐ °tÐ µd to thÐ µ frÐ µquÐ µncy of Yorkshire diÐ °lect. Ð  multivÐ °riÐ °tÐ µ modÐ µl thÐ °t usÐ µd thÐ µsÐ µ sociÐ °l bond mÐ µÃ °surÐ µs Ð µxplÐ °inÐ µd Ð °pproximÐ °tÐ µly onÐ µ-quÐ °rtÐ µr of thÐ µ vÐ °riÐ °ncÐ µ in thÐ µ frÐ µquÐ µncy of Yorkshire diÐ °lect for thÐ µ studÐ µnts in this sÐ °mplÐ µ. The term diÐ °lect refers to Ð ° specific vÐ °riety of Ð ° lÐ °nguÐ °ge, which differs systemÐ °ticÐ °lly from other vÐ °rieties in terms of pronunciÐ °tion, grÐ °mmÐ °r Ð °nd vocÐ °bulÐ °ry, but which is still generÐ °lly comprehensible to speÐ °kers of other diÐ °lects within thÐ °t lÐ °nguÐ °ge. Ð ccent refers simply to different pronunciÐ °tion pÐ °tterns Ð °nd, despite populÐ °r belief to the contrÐ °ry everybody speÐ °ks with Ð °n Ð °ccent. In other words, diÐ °lect is Ð °n umbrellÐ ° term for Ð ° vÐ °riety of linguistic feÐ °tures, one of which is Ð °ccent - the sound pÐ °tterns of Ð ° specific diÐ °lect. ... The chrcteristic fetures of the ccent of the region includeflt, uninflected mnner of speech, with less tonl vrition thn Stndrd English. The "u" sound is pronounced like the stndrd English "oo", so "luck" is pronounced (in IP) . The difference between the Yorkshire Pronuncition of "look" nd "luck" is difficult to her, the "look" vowel being slightly longer in durtion nd tending towrds the IP pronuncition. Shortening of "the" to "t", s in "I'm going down 't pub". Sometimes even the "t" is now omitted totlly, often it is pronounced s glottl stop. Mny dilect words, for exmple "owt" nd "nowt" (sometimes spelled s "ught" nd "nught") for "nything" or "nothing", "bevvy" for drink, "growler" for "pork pie", "lughole" for "er", "gip" for "vomit" funnily mkes the ugly Gipton estte in Leeds into "vomit-town"! etc. The word "us" is often used in plce of "me" or in the plce of "our" we should put us nmes on us property. Use of the singulr second-person pronoun "thou" nd "thee", lrgely in the southern prts of Yorkshire. These re often pronounced "thh" nd "thi". In ll cses of the pst tense of "to be" is "were": "I were wering t'red cot, but he were wering t'green one". The word "self" becomes "sen", prticulrly in North Yorkshire. E.g. "Yourself" becomes "Thy sen" In the South-Est of Yorkshire vowel shifts so "i" becomes "ee", nd "ee" becomes "i", so "Where hve you been lst night" becomes "wherst th bin lst neet". The letter "y" on the end of words is pronounced like the "i" in "city" or "pity" nd is thus shorter thn in Stndrd English "It's piti 't h didn't get sum sweets.". 1 In West Yorkshire, words like "blue" nd "you" hve n exggerted "euw" sound in "bleuw" nd "yeuw". This is best herd in the West Yorkshire

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How effective is the strategy of nuclear deterrence Essay

How effective is the strategy of nuclear deterrence - Essay Example The use of weapons of mass destruction may not be a realistic option to solve issues because it goes against the principle of life (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2013). Some countries use nuclear deterrence to impose sanctions on their enemies and prevent them from using their nuclear weapons. This is because they inflict fear on their adversaries such that if the adversary used their nuclear weapons in an unacceptable way, the threatening state will react by using it supposedly superior, nuclear weapons against the adversary, and the damage will be devastating for both countries. Therefore, nuclear deterrence is an attempt to create risks that may make the opponent not to engage in a certain policy or action (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2013). This essay discusses the merits and demerits of the strategy of nuclear deterrence to evaluate its efficacy. As mentioned earlier, nuclear deterrence is the act that involves the prevention of using nuclear weapons (Nuclear Age Peace Foundat ion, 2013). This means that the threatening nation prevents its adversary from using Nuclear weapons against it or its allies, lest the threatening nation will attack its adversary, using nuclear weapons. Therefore, nuclear deterrence is the threat to strike back with nuclear weapons (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2013). ... A threatening nation must be capable and willing to use its nuclear weapon, as well as, effectively communicate this to the nation that is to be deterred to ensure the success of nuclear deterrence (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2013). This means that a deterrent force inflicts unacceptable damage on the nation to be deterred. Secondly, the threatening nation must have the ability to exact payments by disallowing the opponent to accomplish its objectives of using nuclear weapons or by charging the opponent a disproportionate price for achieving the objectives to use nuclear weapons (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2013). Alternatively, the threatening nation can combine the two aforementioned strategies. Further, the threatening nation must ensure that the safety of its nuclear arsenal is guaranteed. Additionally, the opponent must not access a way or method of eliminating the deterring capability of the threatening nation. Therefore, the threatening nation must ensure that technical a nd policy means do not allow the opponent to access a way or method of eliminating the deterring capability of the threatening nation (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2013). Finally, the threatening nation should ensure that it is always ready to demonstrate to its adversary that it can deliver on its message. Therefore, the threatening nation must show that it is willing to engage in a nuclear war that it tries to deter or prevent, if circumstances dictate so (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2013). Having known the preconditions that should be met to ensure the success of nuclear deterrence, it is worthy to analyse the benefits that may accrue from nuclear deterrence, when it is carried out successfully. First, it has been argued by Waltz (1994, p,

Humanities Prejudice And Persecution Coursework Essay Example for Free

Humanities Prejudice And Persecution Coursework Essay Why did the Nazis hate the Jews? Did Nazi Propaganda make the German people prejudiced against the Jewish race? How successful were the policies of the Nazi government in establishing an anti- Semitic society? In this coursework I will be explaining why the Nazi’s hated the Jews. I will explain what propaganda is and if the Nazi propaganda makes the German people prejudiced against the Jewish race, and how successful the policies to establish an anti-Semitic were. The term prejudice means an attitude (about a person or group) that is formed without having all the facts. This usually involves disliking somebody, mostly because of their ethnicity, sexuality, religion etc. Prejudice attitudes are learned. For example children in Nazi Germany were taught to hate Jews, which is like anti- Semitic. Germans were influenced by the use of propaganda to prejudice them and make them discriminate against the Jews. The main reason for this was because of Adolf Hitler. The term discrimination means when treating someone in a different way, usually less well, because they belong to a particular group. The Nazi’s treated the Jews differently, due to their religion and they discriminated the Jews as they way they looked like. The term persecution is to treat an individual or group badly. Hitler persecuted the Jews as soon as he came to power in 1993. Adolf Hitler persecuted Jews in many different ways. The way that Hitler persecuted the Jews were: When Hitler seized power in 1933 he used his powers under the ‘enabling law’ to begin his attack on the Jews. In 1938 the attacks on the Jews became more violent with Himmler the head of the SS and the Gestapo launching Kristallnacht on 11th November 1938. By 1939, half of Germany’s 500,000 Jews had emigrated to escape Nazi persecution. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland which had a much larger population of 3 million Jews. In 1941, Germany invaded Russia which had a population of 5 million Jews. Himmler sent four special trained SS units called ‘Einsatzgruppen battalions’ into German occupied territory and shot at least 1 million Jews. Victims were taken to deserted areas where they were made to dig their own graves and shot. Nazi Propaganda: The Nazi’s propaganda in those days was seen as Anti Semitic. Propaganda was an organized way of media that convinced people this could be done by ideas, information, rumours or opinions. The major purpose for the Nazi’s propaganda was to make the German people prejudiced against the Jews race. Another purpose why propaganda was used was a ‘brainwashing’ of the public convincing them of an ideological viewpoint. The Nazi’s propaganda portrayed the Jews as: fat, greedy, lazy, people with big crooked noses, ugly, dark, hooded eyes, nasty, evil, disloyal, unclean, wealthy, powerful and sly. To do this the Nazi’s made sure that their propaganda’s were everywhere. They were more noticed on, for example; posters on windows, cars, walls and also the Nazi’s propaganda was broadcasted on television and films were also made to show the way Nazi’s prejudiced the Jews and was held on the radio. I will now be showing some propaganda posters, which shows positive posters and negative posters. image01.jpg ‘The External Jew’ Poster from a Museum. This propaganda shows a negative outlook about the Jews; it shows Jews being ugly with a crooked nose. The money portrays that Jews are selfish and are money grabbers in the German society. This poster explains the Jews being selfish as they have a lot of money. The whip in this poster indicates that Jews are trying to take control of the German society. This is a negative propaganda towards the Jews. A German Beer Mat This is a Negative propaganda, which shows a German beer mat with a Jew’s face on the mat. This beer mat that was created by the Germans and was put in all pubs. It also has a picture of a Jew showing a very ugly face. Jews are hated by the Germans. The Germans have created this image on the beer mat to show how much they hate the Jews and to show that they do not have any respect towards the Jews. This beer mat indicates ‘whoever buys from a Jew is a traitor to his people!’ People in pubs promote even more hatred against Jews. Anti- Semitic Propaganda in school An Anti-Semitic cartoon. From the German children’s book 1938 This is a negative propaganda which is taken from a German children’s book. This propaganda has both German children and Jewish children in a school. The stereotype here of the Jewish children is made to make them look horrible, dark and with big crooked noses. There is a distinct with the difference of Jews and Germans. Unlike the Jews the Germans stereotype was seen as clean and tidy and they are kept in a lighter area. From this propaganda you can clearly notify which children are Jewish or German as the stereotype comes in again. This propaganda is also to brainwash the German children. This poster explains Jews being kicked out of school, and is showing that without Jewish children the school is better. Showing the Ideal Aryan Family This propaganda is a Positive poster towards the Nazi’s. Because this is trying to promote the ‘Ideal Aryan Family’. We can see this is a positive propaganda as it shown by the fruit and flowers around the family. A fund raising poster for the Hitler Youth This is a Fund raising poster it shows a stunning Nazi girl. This is a positive propaganda towards the Germans. This poster indicates that Nazi’s are beautiful. They are pure good and generous. The tin displays the swastika, which is the Nazi symbol. Hitler posing with German children in 1936 This is a positive propaganda towards the Germans. This poster shows Hitler posing with 3 children from the Nazi Youth. They look extremely joyful as they are with who they believe was the ‘Saviour of Germany’. This poster explains Adolf Hitler is being seen as a father figure for the children. This also explains Hitler is trying to get their support for himself. A ‘Jew Free Area’ Sign This is a Jew Free area sign. From this sign, it shows that this leads to discrimination towards the Jews. This shows that Jews are restricted from going to swimming baths and public places. This propaganda was used to make the Jews jealous as they were unable to go to some places that had a sign like this. This shows Germans being good-looking and healthy, whereas in other propagandas it shows Jews being horrible and fat. In conclusion when the World War 1 had ended, Hitler convinced all the Germans that the Jews were scapegoats. The Nazi’s then used negative propagandas to discriminate the Jews every possible way. Hitler convinced all the Nazi’s about saying negative things about the Jews, Hitler brainwashed the Nazi’s which they began to hate the Jews. The Germans needed a saviour which Hitler came and took upon this role. Due to the fact that all the brainwashing Hitler started to do to the Germans so they were able to hate the Jews. The propagandas were so successful that it led to Hitler making the laws. By the propagandas being successful and the new laws made by Hitler this led the Jews dying in the holocaust. The holocaust is the name given to the slaughter of six million people, mostly Jews, during the Second War.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance of Sex Education in Schools

Importance of Sex Education in Schools Sex is a really complex topic to talk about, though it has both harmful effects and beneficial side effects that can help with the health of the body. young people often do not know what they are getting into when they have premarital sex. Sexual activities are more common within teenagers from ages as early as 14 to 18 years, this could be because of trying to be popular in high school or simply because individuals feel left out from friends and to maintain that man chain with friends. Worst case scenario is because individuals try to forget previews relationships that had a tough breakup by using other individuals who are willing to accept and help a friend, because at the end of the road is where true friends are reveled. Although, pregnancy is more common around high school students because they tend to have crazy hormones and are not familiar on how to talk about it with an adult or to simply ask their parents about an advice. Thought parents take time and effort trying to reinf orced that connection with their children about topic that they need to be getting ready to learn and know. parents want their children to be well informed about sex, sexual health and relationships; however, they want to be kept informed about school program High School teenagers are more common to have sexual activities throughout school than any other school grade, this being because of the benefits that this particular activity provides. Today in society we have all this smart phones and technology that we use in our daily lives and nothing stop us from logging into the internet and search anything we want the answer to, in this case what most teenagers will search. What are the benefits of having sexual relationships? And what are side effects after performing this activity. Most of us as teenagers are scared or might not have a fully understandable relationship with our parents to the point that we cant ask them information about how to have save sex? Or When would be the best time to do it? And what are the things couples need to consider when they are about to move on to the next phase in their lives. However, the majority of us depend on our buddies and we know the common word (hook up) because we all want to know more specific i nformation about having sex with loved ones. Though the lack of communication is making teenagers have more curiosity and having crazy hormones towards wanting to do something but not knowing how to prevent it which leads to the next phase of having sex at an early age. Most teenagers have a partner that they handout with and they enjoy being with, which makes them be more active and interact with them in all kinds of perspectives because they want to know each other more and give each other all they can possibly give. Further into this topic (sex) we know that pregnancy can be prevented, though sometimes males are scared to buy protection at local stores and gas stations because they feel like they are going to be misjudge by either cashiers or other members in the stores. Therefore, they take the risk of having unprotected sex with may lead into a pregnancy the first time of having sex. Their loved one which might lead to pregnancy and any other disease transmissions while performing inner course. Having a pregnancy while in high school, makes it more challenging for students to continue with their academics because now they will need to be taking care of the new baby and working will need to be a responsibility in order for the couple and the baby to maintain a healthy life. Though throughout all of this new responsibilities, academics must still take place in order for that individual to graduate by the designated date. Is going to be tough and challenging to make this tough responsibility and keep moving forward, because to maintain a good stable status in high school and maintain a well-paid job to support the new pregnant couple is going to require a lot of patience and commitment towards choosing what is going to be best for both the baby and the teenage mom. Teenagers havent done enough in their lives to be having children. Many teenagers only because they have a good stable job that takes care of them financially and maybe a car to be able to more around places is not all the requirements that a couple should have. Instead of just having money for on they will need to be able to afford the babys lifestyle which will require a lot of patient in the first place and also money to buy the food and all then nutrients the baby needs as well as the appointments with the doctor. Having a baby is not only a gift from god but it can be such a distraction while going to school and one thing that parents need to bring to the baby are diapers, wipers, clothes, towels, and all of their attention while there are babys because they cannot be taking care of themselves and they cant depend on themselves, instead they referee to their parent by crying and showing them what they want because as babys they cannot communicate and they wont be able to do independent stuff. Choosing the wrong choice whether it is for not having a close communication with the parents, or not being taught and not buying protection because of what people say. Simply to forget another relationship, this could lead to no good because not being in love or comfortable with the other individual the relationship is not going to be good; instead if they end up together because of a pregnancy this will only keep the couple together because of the baby itself and not because the couple want to be together and raise the baby together. All of this topics are highly common in teenagers and no matter which one it is at the end a baby is going to change everything, and is up to the new parents of the unborn baby to choose what is going to be best not just for them but most importantly for the baby. Because of his/her innocence they dont know what is good or bad and is up to the new parentages to take their free time and apply it to all to their new baby. (Often, teens dont get prenatal care soon enough, which can lead to problems later on) this problem can be because of not having back up information about how to take care of themselves and thinking about the consequences before taking action to what they might regret later in life, as well as they can ask other grown-ups if the connection with their parents is weak. This results can lead to a more responsible and knowledgeable teenager, only by having that back grown knowledge can help prevent so many things while having any kind of sexual activities. Websites Dye, Bruce A. Teenage Pregnancy | Teen Pregnancy | MedlinePlus. MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You. U.S National Library or Medicine, 11 Aug. 2016. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. . Smith, Adam. Pregnancy Quotes. BrainyQuote. Xplore, 1 Jan. 2001. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. . Gisel. Our Health, Our Futures Sexual Issues Teen Pregnancy, P. 6 Quotes. Our Health, Our Futures Sexual Issues Teen Pregnancy, P. 6 Quotes. Mary Robb Teague, 1 Jan. 2000. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. . Dyson, Sue. Review: Parents and Sex Education. The Journal of Educational Sociology 8.6 (1935): 381. Department of Health. La Trobe University, 2010. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. The Only 12 Things You Really Need for a Baby. Scary Mommy. N.p., 20 Nov. 2016. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Competitive Environment For Proton Company

Competitive Environment For Proton Company The first Malaysia national car is PROTON. The main competitor in Malaysia in term of automobile companies and affordable car is PERODUA. The competitive environment as we can see approximately in Malaysia is affordable car where all native of a Malaysia can buy it and the car maintenances also cheap. You see, the porter five are been applied for more obviously because the competitive environment not only about the competitor. It can be about the economic decline, natural misfortune and etc. Porter five 1. Competitive Rivalry 2. Threat of New Entrant 3. Threat of Substitutes   4. Buyer Power 5. Supplier Power Competitive Rivalry   In Malaysia, after PERODUA that is main competitor for proton , there is not too much competitor around affordable car. The low cost car as mentioned above is not have a lot of competitor in generally. The affordable car in Malaysia has a more potential to sell compared to luxury car that only specific people are used it. A family will have more than 1 car. Definitely, the first car they will choose the cheaper car and affordable car. New Entrant has a high threat    Recession the economic will be a big threat for PROTON. We know that, all big company will facing over budget or does not achieve the sale for that year. The government will lose a lot of money cause of policy and shareholders. By the way, economic downward tendency actually comes suddenly without notice. High threat from Substitutes Malaysia has tow national car. First : PROTON , second : PERODUA. The substitutes will high in term of car model and some of them looks similar. Buyer Power Buyer will choose the cheap car for the first car and buyer also actually are fragmented. Therefore , it will not has much influence.   Supplier Power Nowadays compared to the many years ago ,this is not giving a big threat for PROTON. International Market for Proton The objectives of the Malaysian National Car:   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rationalize the local automotive industry à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Spearhead the development of a local component industry and to enhance greater use of local components.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Encourage the upgrading of technology, engineering knowledge and technical skills of the countrys workforce.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Assist and develop Bumiputera (the indigenous people of Malaysia) participation in the automotive industry.  [1] Swot Analysis For Proton Holding As a Government connected Company, Proton is protected in term of financial capabilities. Furthermore, as the first  national automotive manufacturer they have more than 20 years of experience and backed by the more than 1000 suppliers and highly concentrated distributed the service and distribution way out. As financial year ender 31  March 2006 denoted, the net value of asset is more than RM 5 billion while the liabilities is only about RM 2 billion. Proton had begun on a project with the Lotus. Group to improve a hybrid vehicle proficient of running on both gasoline and electricity and others special projects that are concentrating on technology development. This program direct to raise high the technology to a level that is on par with their global rivals by creating an alternative vehicle for the future which provides customers with less fuel consumption, decrease emanation and uncompromising performance. The increase numbers of substantial order by the different overseas markets were far in surplus of the number shipped, the difference was due to restrictions in the supply chain. There is no uncertain that demand for Proton cars in the overseas markets exists. As such, looking forward into financial year 2007, the company predicts a meaningful improvement in the number of Proton cars sold overseas. The weaknesses of Proton Holdings Berhad PROTON was incorporated on 7 May 1983 with three primary national policy objectives: To spearhead the development of component manufacturing industries, to acquire and upgrade technology and industrial skills within the automobile manufacturing industry and to strengthen the international competitiveness of Malaysias industrial capability. The failure by Proton to find a foreign partner is a warning signal that it is no longer a competitive and economically viable entity with current market situation and questionable management decisions that causes Proton to lose money when other finds profits. Therefore, Proton Holdings Berhad needs to consider a foreign partnership to further improve on its quality and service to the buyers. Khazanah Malaysia, the Malaysian governments investment arm, holding about 42.74% of Proton, followed by the Employees Provident Fund with 15.4 per cent and Petronas with 7.9 per cent. Price/Earnings: Not Meaningful Price/Sales: 0.3x (2/5 points) Price/Book: 0.4x (2/5 points) Price/Cash Flow: Not Meaningful TEV/Sales: 0.1x (3/5 points) A merger has its advantages economies of scale, market domination, etc. but an enlarged national car company could create many duplications i.e. product, dealers network, vendors etc. Proton is finding it tough to trim its network of suppliers and distributors. National car company Proton Holdings Berhad once dominated with a majority share in the market. It has since not only lost that majority, its sales in unit terms have even dropped below that of unlisted Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Berhad (Perodua). UMW Holdings Berhad is the biggest in the sector, with a market value of RM5.9 billion, compared with Protons RM1 billion. Although, UMW has an important oil and gas division, it derives most of its profits from its Toyota division, the most profitable in the industry. In contrast, Proton reported a loss of RM75 million in the October December quarter last year. It is exceeded in market value by Oriental Holdings Berhad (RM2.3 billion) and DRB-HICOM Berhad (RM1.4 billion), both of which are diversified motor-based groups. In my conclusion, Proton should continue to seek strategic alliances and further expand its market globally due to the termination of talks with Volkswagen AG in the year of 2007. In my point of view, Proton needs to basically integrate more into the global supply chain and the global market. Basically, we have not attained the kind of export penetration projected when the company was established. Global motor vehicle industry was undergoing a consolidation and Proton should be part of this trend. We need to be part of the bigger family in a way that works for us. Till date, we did not have any clarification regarding The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) submit its report on Proton Holdings Berhads sale of Italian motorbike manufacturer, MV Augusta to GEVI s.p.a at one euro to Parliament because Proton had acquired a 57.75 percent stake in MV Augusta in December 2004 for 70 million euro (RM367.6 million). Swot Analysis Of Proton Holding Berhad Originally conceived by Malaysias Prime Minister of the day, Dato Seri Mahathir Mohamad, PROTON Bhd was incorporated on 7th May 1983 with the aim of building a national car. Two years later, On 9th July 1985 the Proton Saga was officially launched. It was Malaysias first domestically produced car and is still sold in Malaysia and other countries today. The original factory plant, covering 99,400 sq m, is situated at Shah Alam near Kuala Lumpur in central Malaysia. The site also houses an engine and transmission factory, a castings plant, RD centre and a semi-high speed test track. The factory is currently producing 240,000 units per annum. Opened in 2005, a state of the art assembly plant was constructed at Tanjung Malim, 60 miles north of Kuala Lumpur. This area has been named Proton City and consists of 500 hectare site containing the factory, plant, housing, a university and other commercial buildings to accommodate component suppliers. This plant produces the three newest model ranges, the GEN-2, Savvy and Satria Neo. Protons total workplace in Malaysia totals just over 6,000 personnel working in all areas of vehicle design, RD, production and manufacturing. With a solid base built up since 1983, Malaysias car manufacturing industry is progressing rapidly.   Proton tool a major step forward in upgrading its engineering capabilities when it acquired a share in Lotus are closely involved in Protons new model development, with a team of engineers permenantly based at the design and development centre in Malaysia. The Company has come a long way since 1983, PROTON was publicly listed on the Kuala Lumpur stock Exchange in 1992, and today, Proton cars are exported to mor than 50 countries worldwide. Key export markets include Australia, Singappore, the far East and the UK, where during 2009 it celebrates 20 years in the market place.   Since 1989, Proton Cars (UK) Ltd have been offering the British public reliable value for money vehicles. Swot Analysis On Proton The Benefits of Training for SCI Patients The benefits of cardiovascular exercise and training can be easily noted by comparing trained SCI athletes with untrained SCI patients. It must be noted (and will be further discussed later) that training benefits are somewhat contingent upon the level of spinal cord injury. A study by Bhambhani, Holland, Eriksson, and Steadward (1994 p. 260) investigated physiological responses during wheelchair racing comparing quadriplegics to paraplegics. They found the peak values of V02, heart rate, and VE which were obtained during incremental velocity wheelchair exercises to be significantly higher in paraplegics than quadriplegics. No significant differences were found between these groups for 02 pulse (which is the oxygen utilization per heart beat). These findings are consistent with other researchers who investigated the same responses for these two groups (Eriksson, Lofstom, and Ekblom,1988 p. 145). This is a citation. If you are using books, or internet, you must put in your essay:- (authors name, year, and page no)   If you are using business magazine, you must put in your essay:- (author, business magazines name, year, and page no) The previously mentioned study by Eriksson et al (1988) also investigated the aerobic power during a maximal exercise by comparing trained versus untrained quad and paraplegics. They found peak V02 differences to be as high as a 38% increase for trained athietes versus nontrained. They noted that a well trained quadriplegic individual is physiologically comparable to an untrained paraplegic with a low level injury, therefore, physical training can largely reduce the differences between quadriplegics and paraplegics. Also by comparing the trained paraplegic athletes to non trained able bodied persons, the able bodied persons achieved only a slightly higher V02 peak, again pointing out the benefits of training. Proton Berhads Swot Analysis If Expends Its Operation To India A SWOT Analysis of Proton Holding Berhad will be carried out to to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in this project. The report will be separated into 2 parts. Firstly this report will discuss about the profile of Proton Holdings Berhad and nature of its business in order to analyse the internal factors. In the second part, SEPT Analysis will be carried out to analyse the related external factors in India in sectors of Social, Economy, Politic and Technology. At the end, the result of SWOT analysis will be presented accompanied by recommendations to expend its operation internationally into India. Proton Holdings Berhad à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton is a Malaysian national automobile manufacturer. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton Holdings Berhad is the holding company which is listed on the Bursa Malaysia. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 14,706 Proton cars were exported in 2006 to other countries/ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton exports cars to the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Australia and the company is aggressively marketing its cars in several other countries including the Middle East. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton cars has also been exporting a small volume of cars to other countries like: 1. Singapore 2. Brunei 3. Indonesia 4. Nepal 5. Sri Lanka 6. Pakistan 7. Bangladesh 8. Taiwan 9. Cyprus   10. Mauritius à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton has never succeeded to export their car to the US, because the cars required many changes to meet American safety standards in order to secure coverage from auto insurers and satisfy legislative requirements. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In some countries,    Proton cars suffer somewhat from a poor public image because of their designs. Strengths   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proton has over 20 years of experience in Automotive industry à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Many cars are exported by Proton to many countries every years, proves that proton has the experience of exporting cars.